C'est la vie

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Location: Englewood, Co.

Well all, I have enjoyed playing with you but it's time to move on. I had hoped my post on playstyle would have some effect, and it has. It's gotten ten times worse. Now, not all are cheating by any means but the ones who are know who they are and it's spreading. People I've played with for a long while have become spawn killers and mine whores, I guess it's the only way to compete. I'm even seeing questionable playing from the DWers so it's unlikely to be cleaned up. It just ruins the game for me, but I will miss you folks, though I'm sure I'll run into some of you on other servers. A special note to my friend POM, you should go back to your full name, I still think it's one of the cleverest I've come across. I still have my Tshirt and will wear it proudly, remembering what DW was.
I die a lot, but I have fun doing it.
DW Clan Member
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Hi TacoJohn,

Sorry to hear you are having trouble with crappy players. Playing on public servers can be frustrating at times with all the spam and such. I've actually taken a break from ONS once already because it was too frustrating. Fortunately, I did come back.

DW Clan Member
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Sorry to hear that Tacojohn. I haven't noticed anything particularly bad, but I won't say that when it happens I don't get frustrated. Just a game though, and if it's not being enjoyable for you, best to take a step back for awhile. I think your best bet is just to push for (or make if need be) more maps where cheesy tactics don't get rewarded.
DW Clan Member
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Sorry to hear that you feel that way TacoJohn. I know that all the Death Warrant guys work very hard to stop botters and hackers on the servers. Why dont you post those who you think are cheating so we can look into them .. But dont get out of hand . There are guys that just OWN ( DAM U RATT and TOXIC ) Really its just a game .. no need to get to emotional about it .. Hope everything works out for yah


Today is a good day to die .....
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Taco, sorry you feel that way. As I've stated in the past, I'm not a big fan of spawn killing, but it's not possible to really police it.

And I have to be perfectly honest. I take a little offense to what you say. First of all, to refer to spawn killing as cheating is ridiculous. No one created an anti-tcc for spawncamping. It is a tactic. A cheesy one, yes. But cheating? Not even close. And second, I'm not really thrilled about you implying something about the clan. We certainly don't cheat, and if we spawn kill sometimes, well guess what, it IS part of the game whether you like it or not.

And if a guy comes in to the server, and shield gun kills everyone 10 times, well that's annoying as hell, but is it cheating? Absolutely not. And who's fault is it that you got killed 10 times by the shield gun? His? No, it's yours. Figure out how to survive, and go kill the guy.

I think you're being overly dramatic, leaving a server because you had a some bad maps where you got spawn killed. But just the same, I'm sorry to see you go, and I wish you luck where ever you wind up. But I think you'll find things not much different out there, and unless you run a server of your own, where you can apply your own rules to create what you think is a non-cheating atmosphere, I think you'll ultimately be unhappy. There's no mutator to prevent spawn killing.

You're welcome back anytime. Good luck.

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Xfire: bomzin
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You will get the spawn killing and general dinkus attitude in all public servers. Always have since the dawn of Ut. The spider mines do make it unbearable at times.. Maps like Crossfire and Desolate appear to be the worse for spawn killers. Played crossfire yesterday and had spawn killers before the second nodes were build . After that our base stayed full of spider mines. All very frustrating but the next map proved to be a great game.

Don;t go, just recognize the bad maps if you don't like the spawn killing that insues stay away from those maps.
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While I would say that most players don’t like spawn camping – it is a legitimate strategy. Some maps can not be won unless there is spawn camping – Arctic Stronghold for example – if you don’t have someone camping in the base you can never get the primary node up to attack the core – & that applies to any map where the primary is close to the core.

As far as cheating goes I have only seen someone use an aimbot once in the last 6 months on the DW servers. I am amazed at all of the cheating accusations that happen in game – getting whacked by players who practice using things like the shock rifle or shield gun just means you need to learn better skills to defend yourself.

Bandit-fs 8)
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Location: Englewood, Co.

I had not thought of continuing this post but I returned to check a message, so I will. I can see we have different outlooks on things. I truly feel that endless spawn killing is cheating. If your opponent cannot even enter the game how is it a contest? I'm not a very good UT player by any means, but I do compete on skill. I could hop on a Manta and rock back and forth on a spawn point watching my score ratchet up but that would not give me any satisfaction. I guess if you do get satisfaction from that then good for you. I just said I was leaving because I don't. I'm sorry you took offense Toxic but the fact is that I have seen DWers doing things that to I consider questionable tactics. That's my opinion. It is not meant to offend anyone. It merely was offered by way of explanation. As far as naming names everyone knows who's cheating, it's discussed in voice chat all the time. Even leaving aside spawn camping, which obviously the majority does not agree with me on, you have got botters on you server. Most of them are fairly obvious about it, at least it seems to me, but perhaps I am mistaken. Either way I am sorry that people were offended. One of the reasons I specifically pointed no fingers was to prevent that. I enjoyed playing on your server and meant many fine people there. In retrospect I probably should have just slipped away, but I thought it was better to post so my friends would no why I was no longer around.
I die a lot, but I have fun doing it.
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