Requests for Maps.....

Report any issues or suggestions here. Intermittent lag happens, so don't report it unless it is excessive
Posts: 96
Joined: Sat Jan 07, 2006 12:00 am

Gonna cherry pick some quotes so I can respond, forgive me if this rambles a bit...
Bandit-fs wrote:Maps I wouldn't mind see going bye-bye - & I never underatand why people vote for the maps -


they are both just spam fest maps - there is no real ONS stratagy involved
Yep, pretty much exactly right. These maps can be fun in small doses but they are basically mindless maps with very minimal skill required. The new Dremus2 beta map I just saw the other night for the first time is less of a problem, but it still is very spammy. Guess that's what some people want to play howerver...
Storm wrote:FacingGiants

Large map. Huge in fact. Classic Egyptian vs midevil castle deal.
Too huge, gets rather confusing during hectic gameplay for it to be fun in my experience and from what I've heard others say.

No experience, looks decent. Wont know unless you beta it.
Causes fairly severe FPS issues on all but the most high-end systems or those who turn off most of the eye candy of the game. Also some server lag issues from what I saw when I ran it. A rather "busy" map if you know what I mean.

Too bad as this is the same author as for Ascendency and Sun_Tzu.
See above regarding Perimiter, basically the same problems. Also a HUGE file size if I'm remembering the right map, ~70 MB I think. Something like that.
Pomona wrote:My map Suggestions here. there are all my favorites.

ONS-Airmars Image Is this node layout good ?
I quite enjoy the default links on Airmars despite the problems I recognize they have, but that is also a good link setup. Another possibility that Fluffy over on Titan came up with that seems to work well is to have the center node link up with all 4 core nodes aside from parallel links with each conterpart on the other side of the map and have the lower middle nodes be a locked safe for each side. Gives a secure place to spawn inside the main ship and allows for constant DM on foot action over the middle node.
Rather too big of a map, but it's tolerable with some good link design. The "Bishop" links you've got there appear to be one of the better setups I've seen for that map. Still a borderline map if you ask me.
This is a very spammy map that can get really drawn out into multiple OTs with a full 32 players. The lower central node really gets messy with all the hill snipers and random spam being thrown that way. Not a skill map, but might fall into the "occasionally fun" category of ChainsIsle and the like.
You should run the SE version instead, as the ECE version has some problems introduced by the author when he redid it when ECE came out. Namely the lakes on either side of the map are both unnecessary and cause rather sever FPS and lag issues. SE version also has it's problems (poor weapon locker loadouts and high channels being two big ones) but it is less of an issue than the ECE one is. There is a beta edited version that PeanutButterSnake started to work on that was supposed to fix all of these issues (and others) that is floating around on Titan's mapping forum but it was never completed to my knowledge.
Good looking map and I love the music, but it has a fatal flaw - no fog. No fog = unlimited draw distance = massive FPS lag for anyone not running a top of the line system. There was talk of an edited version that would fix this but nothing came of it I don't believe. Shame as it's a pretty good map for the most part.
I doubt this map is salvagable with new links as it needs some more nodes than it has currently. The ones it does have are too close to each other in places, the vehicle spawns at the nodes are too far away, powercores are way too open to air attack, etc. Would need some hard editing to be workable IMO.
Fairly decent map, if a bit too open with nothing there in places. Not enough nodes for my liking (5) making alternate links difficult, and the central valley node / Levi spawn can quickly turn into a massive spam place given all the cliffs surrounding it. Could work out to be a good one with some hard editing or at least tolerable with some new links.
Not a bad map at all. Could use a few more nodes, as a second primary in most link setups is rather far away from the core. Good vehicle distribution and some fun gameplay. A keeper I think.
At Last, I think UrbanStrike should be remove from maplist.
UrbanStrike is most laggy map ever and We could not make the game at once.
Fully agree - lag issues kill this map. Gameplay isn't good either - too many random teleports and inaccessable nodes. Very poor core loadout as well. Should be gone.
ifondlesweaters wrote:I miss Grit-Nights too, Pomona. I sure would love to see that swapped for CataldiPark. I've heard a rumor that Jesus cries every time Park wins the vote. But it may just be a rumor...
I seem to recall Grit-Nights having some severe server lag issues... maybe even crashes? One of the CLR's did a revised version I think. Very busy map with all the nodes and the... *ahem* interesting Trials. As for CataldiPark... it's a very odd map. I want to hate it based on the stupid theme, but it has some oddly fun gameplay at times. Perhaps some alternate links would help, but I haven't looked at it too hard.
Bandit-fs wrote:The other one (Dinora) that really seems to lag bad with 32 players is kingdom - which always surprizes me - it not overly large or complicated
For the most part, server lag isn't caused by a "complicated map", but rather by poor optimization by the map's author as well as excessive item/pickup placement. Each vehicle, player, health vial, weapon locker, etc. (anything that might "change state" basically) opens a new channel on a server that must be tracked and that all adds up over time. Hit F6 while in-game and you can see a map's channel count in real time. Anything over 300 can get dicey with a lot of players. Anything over 400 is certain to cause lag at the server level. There was one stupid Chineese-themed map (Dragons something) that I saw go over 550 channels at times over on Slaughter's server. Just stupid insane lag that game.

Anyways, I think that's enough for now. I didn't cover all the maps I have thoughts on as I want to see what you're running first before I suggest any alternate maps or links.
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