Change Logs

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Changes from July 25th, 2012

Monster Assault RPG
  • New ability: Seeking Revenge. Rank II Berserker ability. When you die, it moves your Vengeance charger to the killer's location instead of where you died. You must have Vengeance level 4 to be able to purchase this ability. Costs -5 stat points!
  • Using adrenaline combos will disable Energy Leech, Adren Surge, and Adrenaline Drip.
  • Adrenaline Drip replenishes up to 33% of your max adrenaline for all three levels instead of 25%, 33%, and 50% of your max adrenaline.
  • Dedicated monsters are ignored when calculating the piercing factor.
  • Vengeance gives 5X the amount of adren if it kills something.
  • Reduced cost for Medic Awareness. Before it cost: 10 and 5 stat points. Now it costs: 1 and 1 stat points.
  • Oak Sage increases all nearby teammate's max health by 10% instead of 5%.
  • You can now summon spirits even if the map activates player collision.
  • Energy weapons will not give adrenaline if you are attacking 0-score monsters.
  • Modifier range for Protection weapons now ranges from -6 to 3 instead of 0 to 3.
  • Mocking weapons will not mock friendly summoned monsters.
  • Mocking weapons will not mock the target if the user is dealing 0 damage (when you hit a queen's shield for an example).
  • The magic weapon makers will not roll anything with default max ammo of 5 and below (instead of 4 and below). This means you can't roll turrets.
  • Cautiousness will not reduce Fury's health drain rate.
  • Using Fury inside vehicles will damage the driver instead of the vehicle.
  • You cannot use Fury inside a vehicle that fully protects the driver (like a Goliath or Raptor).
  • You can no longer roll a Cautious Link Gun or a Cautious Translocator.
  • You can no longer roll a Rage Link gun.
  • Max modifier for reflecting weapons is now 6 instead of 7. The +7 modifier has a 100% chance to reflect energy projectiles.
  • You cannot use Enhanced Armor in vehicles.
  • All Paladin ability's threat level increased by 20%.
  • New requirements for Summon Guardian and Summon Spector. You cannot have Summon Guardian if you don't have enough physical resistance. You cannot purchase Summon Spector if you don't have enough fire, cold, lightning, or poison resistance.
  • Reloading weapons (passive reloading bonus to the Support character) only reloads the current weapon instead of all nonsuper weapons.
  • Decreased threat for Ammo Dump and Energy Transfer by 50%.
  • Increased threat level for Trans Mechanic by 50%.
  • Summon Slith's ultima builds up when it strikes more monsters (it must deal melee damage to charge up). If the Slith doesn't strike enough monsters, then it wont cast ultima when it dies.
  • Summon Skaarj Snipers/Trooper's default ground speed is set when they deactivated their shield. (prevents them from getting stuck).
  • Summon Brute's default ground speed when they are finished charging towards an enemy.
  • All Support's summoning ability's threat is reduced by 50%.
  • When summoning mini razor flies, your threat value increases as if you were summoning a Manta.
  • Aegis threat values increased by 50%.
  • Summon Grass titans base hp is reduced by 25%. However it still has ~41% more hp than the normal titan.
  • Reduced opacity for donator's poison aura.
Smart Monster Pack/Sample
  • New monsters: Imperial Light Male, Imperial Light Female, Imperial Male, Imperial Female, Phoenix Light Female, Phoenix Light Male, Phoenix Female, Phoenix Male, Mercury, Blood Eagle Light Female, Blood Eagle Light Male, Blood Eagle Female, and Blood Eagle Male.
  • All Space Marines are replaced by Imperial Troops. Because of this you can now see what weapon they are holding.
  • Nali Fighters, Stormtroopers, Space Marines, and Tribe's troopers are less trigger happy. They should not infinitely spam if their enemy is not visible.
  • All player monster Xenomorph's lunge interval time is 4 seconds.
  • Player Monster Face Hugger's lunge interval time is 8 seconds.
  • Increased aggression for Ticks, Trites, Forgottens, Maggots, Wraiths, Vulgars, and Pinkies.
  • Improved accuracy for all ranged doom monsters.
  • The server will not crash if the mapper gave a monster a custom ammunition class.
  • The mapper can now customize attacks for any doom monster.
  • the mapper can now customize the projectile class for all ranged doom monsters, Satore monsters, Dragons, DWTitans, and Bio Buds
  • Bio Buds will not become transparent when you shoot them.
  • Friendly names and damage ratings are set to all OSM, Satore, and Bio Bud monsters. You'll see this use when a map utilizes the Monster Selection menu (see DW Assault Mapper Tools).
  • Warlord's falling death state will not happen if a player is controlling it, or if it's a summoned monster.
  • When wounded, Wraiths cannot teleport to the origin of the map when retreating.
  • The mapper can now customize the sentry skins.
  • Prepivot for sentry monster is fixed (even when the sentry is scaled up)
  • Shrikes now have special resistances against being squashed in vehicles (if mapper permits it)
  • Mole damage is reduced by 33%
  • Reduced Spinner damage by 75%
  • Spinner projectiles are now visible.
  • Spinner projectiles are 300% faster (covers greater range)
  • Spinner projectiles TossZ velocity is now set to 0 (it wont arc its projectile as high as it did before).
  • Increased Black Heart's projectile's life span to 8 seconds instead of 1 second.
  • Black Heart's projectile will bounce no more than 3 times.
  • Nonplayer monster metroids deal ~32.3% less damage.
  • The mapper can give any monster an ammo class. The monster will use its new custom ammo class regardless of the projectile type only if there is one custom projectile. If multiple projectiles are detected, then the custom attack will check for matching projectiles before applying the adjust aim from the ammo class.
DW Monster Assault
  • If muted, the client will be notified that they cannot use the text chat until next game when they attempt to use text chat.
  • New function added. RespawnPlayerAnyPawn respawns the player regardless if they are a monster or not. Useful for the Monster Selection menu (see DW Assault Mapper Tools).
DW Assault Mapper Tools
  • Mappers can now have interactive menus in their maps using the Menu Use Trigger.
  • The following are new menus for mappers to use:
    • Info Page: displays text in front of user's screen until player hits the close button.
    • Key Pad: the player can enter a number password. Failed event is triggered if user enters the wrong password. Passed event is triggered if the user enters the correct password. Passwords can by dynamically adjusted.
    • Monster Selection: This menu displays a drop down menu, displaying a list of monsters. Selecting a monster will display the monster in the screen. If the player has enough points to become this monster, the player can hit the call monster button. Respawning the player as that monster. The player will not change teams when using this menu. This means that mappers can use this menu so that the player can transform themselves into a friendly monster! Monster interacting with this menu trigger is optional to the mapper.
  • Scene Managers now hides your weapon and restores is at the end of the cutscene. Edit: this functionality has been removed since there are some maps have cutscenes that don't end.
  • Scene Managers will now check your pawn class. If your pawn class is the same from when the cutscene started and when it ended, then the Scene Manager will restore your behind view property. Your pawn class changes when you enter/leave vehicles during the cutscene.
  • Scene Managers resets its player data (tracking who is playing in behind view), every time the cutscene ends just in case the mapper wants to trigger the same cutscene multiple times.
  • Optimized search iterations for Scene Managers.
  • Action_PlayerMovement now considers the player's Power Jump and Air Master abilities.
  • Added bAffectWholeTeam for Action_Inventory.
  • Scripted action Inventory can now detect RPGWeapons when seeking for a weapon class.
  • The Monster Spawner.Speed Modifier property now adjusts the monster's Air Control property.
  • Because of the new marines, the Monster Spawner's misc category range increased (slightly overlapping with Unreal Classic monsters).
  • For scripted action set variable, the display options are functional if the mapper is using the Equals operator.
  • For scripted action set variable, a boolean property is added to overwrite display options in case the mapper has special cases when assigning variables.
  • conditional triggers' check for living/dead player conditions will continue even if no instigator of the event is detected.
  • Monsters can now interact with sequence triggers as long as the mapper permits it.
  • bTriggerOnceOnly boolean added for Experience Triggers.
  • Optimized monster spawning counting items function.
  • Fixed Monster Spawner.Monsters Per Trigger property.
  • The spawning emitters for the monster spawner will not force the life span of the emitter to be 4 seconds if the emitter's default life span is greater than 0.
  • When counting number of monsters (to determine if it's okay to spawn another monster), the monster spawner will consider monsters even with mismatching tags.
ME RPG Expansion
  • Other players can no longer see another Necromancer's soul bar.
  • Initial soul capacity for the Necro is now 5 instead of 10.
  • Soul Capacity for Extended Retention increments by 5 instead of 10 per level.
  • Starting cost for Extended Retention is now 2 instead of 4.
  • Cost add per level for Extended Retention is now 0 instead of 1.
  • Max level for Extended Retention is now 19 instead of 7. This means at max level, you can hold 100 souls.
  • You must have Extended Retention to be able to purchase Premature Burial.
  • Following changes are for Resurgence:
    • Monster's health increase per level is now 10% instead of 40%.
    • Monsters damage increase per level is now 5% instead of 20%.
    • 3 souls are required for a partial resurrection.
    • 10 souls are required for a full resurrection.
    • 50 mana is required for a partial resurrection (instead of 100).
    • 150 mana is required for a full resurrection (instead of 300).
    • Resurrected player monster's base hp increased by 300%.
    • CostAddPerLevel is now 0 instead of 2.
  • Summon Mastery now increases mana cost for Revivification and Summon Demon.
  • Because last month's update increased many Necro summon's hp, Arcane Reclamation's damage to all summons is doubled.
  • Reaping ability increases mana cost for all summons by 10% per level.
  • Arcane Reclamation starting cost is now 1 instead of 6.
  • You need to be level 75 to be able to purchase level 13 summon zombie/skeleton (instead of level 12)
  • Necromancer gains threat when casting Fatigue.
  • Necromancer gains experience when an Iron Maiden cursed monster takes damage from the curse.
  • When the Necromancer kills a monster, they cannot obtain its soul if they are not looking at it.
  • Revised ability description for Amplify Damage.
  • Revised ability description for Reaping Energy.
  • Reduced Unnatural Shout's casting effect's opacity by 50% (it's not as bright).
  • Unnatural Shout doesn't display "it costs 0 adrenaline to use this ability" when using Unnatural Shout when your amount of adren is exactly 20.
DW U2 Weapons
  • Due to RPGWeapon conflicts, you cannot pickup your own turrets.
  • Turrets no longer infinitely destroys itself when its owner disconnects from the server.
Map Updates
  • New map: AS-ArgentoB1!
  • New map: AS-Simulation!
  • Updated map: AS-ChocoWars-7
  • Updated map: AS-TorlanEvolution-Beta16
  • AS-ME-Thrust-B4 is back!
  • AS-Lobby-G is replaced by AS-Simulation
  • AS-Utopia-Part-1 and AS-Utopia-Part-2 are removed due to map specific custom marine skins. The old space marines were pulled from the server.
  • Expected map updates soon:
    • Nano Clean
    • Use of Weapons 2 and 4
    • Utopia Parts 1 and 2
    • Xenomorph Parts 1 and 2 (lower priority)

Minor update from July 26, 2012:
Monster Assault RPG
  • Spirits can now spawn and regroup with the summoner on maps that enable player collision.
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will.


1337 Haxor
Posts: 159
Joined: Fri Jul 27, 2012 9:25 am

Dang Support took a violent beating, not a fan of the 33/33/33 instead of 25/33/50 adren drip thing, so adren drip is weaker, they lose threat from summoning monsters and reloading weaps become a lot more useless and unlike the monster mash ones iirc. Ouch.

Certainly doesn't make me wanna work on my support character, glad I'm doing Paladin >_>

Rest of it looks good, glad the stupid facehuggers take 8 seconds to lunge now.

What will be changed on Nano Clean? If it's adding iso, I don't really think it needs it, but that's cool. Make that stupid t-rex in the tub have less HP -_- When everyone's attacking it and dies and it still takes Crunch like 10 minutes to kill it, it has too much :\ and then there's not even a rez point afterward.

oh well :)
1337 Haxor
Posts: 153
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Location: Chicago, Illinois

SomethingToSay wrote: reloading weaps become a lot more useless
Certainly doesn't make me wanna work on my support character, glad I'm doing Paladin >_>
And I'm certainly glad you'll be doing your Paladin character as well. We need more of those...

I don't agree that reloading weaps are useless or "a lot more useless" since it will still reload the other player's ammo, and not just for the one weapon like for the support character that is using it. Still, even just the one being loaded as you use it, it is almost like having an infinite weapon, which you then could have two by Rank 4. Better than not having one at all. I imagine players that aren't selfless are to be upset with these changes.
"To be positive: to be mistaken at the top of one's voice." -Ambrose Bierce
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I've been playing primarily Support for awhile and personally I feel like these changes were necessary. Biggest change I see in how Support actually plays is the change to the Reloading weapon, and it's fairly obvious given the structure of the RPG that one ability granting you infinite ammo for all weapons is probably too powerful.
1337 Haxor
Posts: 156
Joined: Sun Apr 04, 2010 3:46 pm

Most of the Support changes are bearable.
I wouldn't call all of them necessary but I can agree with the reasons behind it.

Deactivating drip, surge and leech while having a combo running, well I was surprised that it was introduced in the early days of the server anyways. When it went online I remember leech and drip being disabled for adren combos. Makes supports booster a bit less and get more HP from the medics. But there are 2 things that I think are wrong with it.
1. Surge shouldn't be included. Its a reward for killing stuff and I don't see why it should be cut because I am running a combo at the time.
2. I think some support players have relied very heavily on the booster so far, and haven't invested as much in HP as they could have since booster always provided the additional shield. I personally have changed my build when Captain Crunch got rank 4, so I could provide more adren and stuff for the team and get my HP by the medics so I'm fine. But I think guys like burek should receive a free reset if they wish to, to adjust to this major change.
Oh and nrg weapons still work while doing a combo?

The reduced Threat, well I don't know if it was really too high. Supports were unbeatable on maps like Utopia where everyone has to take your ammo and adren. But on stuff like Devine where everyone has full ammo its harder to earn threat. The threat reduction on the pets was necessary though, too easy to invest a few hundred adren for threat that way.

Wail is right about the reloading weapon, it made all weapons infinite. You rolled an LG or Sniper and once anything got too close you switched to your full ML, mini or link to deal with it. Was the major reason why no support over rank 3 wanted to have more then 25 in the ammostat, another reason to grant players over rank 3 a reset to fix that if they want to.

I appreciate the nerf on the abilities in vehicles, wasn't fair before.

Thx a lot for fixing Oak and med awareness, much better now.

Well I hope no other support reaches lvl 200 anywhere soon since it always results in a major nerfing session :sitwasntme:

Oh and I want to grab the chance and remind about the oak - meta problem. When you leave or enter the oak aura with turned on metabolism the strangest stuff happens. sometimes I'm left with my 600 base HP after leaving and only 780 when reentering, after leaving again its suddenly 900 ...
1337 Haxor
Posts: 159
Joined: Fri Jul 27, 2012 9:25 am

Yeah I guess they'd force support players to buy more ammo adren and health stuff. I didn't think reloading weap reloaded all the person using it's other weaps that fast, but I guess I don't mind it.

I guess I'll wait

The one thing I did want to bring up again, and I mentioned a couple times today, was adding a health meter(for Medic Awareness) on spirits too, since it's on summoned monsters and players, should add it to spirits IMO.
1337 Haxor
Posts: 159
Joined: Fri Jul 27, 2012 9:25 am

We just had a problem on Nocturne. On the I believe 2nd wave of the last area, with all the monsters being grey, there was a fat hellknight looking one that was regenerating health really quickly. Everyone of us except Crunch had died, so it was Crunch vs that monster, but it was regenerating health way too fast so Crunch couldn't kill it alone, he could've gotten infinite XP shooting it all night.
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Expect the server updates to come in later than usual for this month. Numerous of time constraints and activities are obstructing me from staying on schedule.

I apologies ahead of time for the delay.
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
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Changes from August 30, 2012

Monster Assault RPG
  • Sacrifice now requires Shout's current level to be twice as high as Sacrifice's current level to be able to upgrade Sacrifice.
  • Vengeance's current level must be at least half of Retaliation's current level to be able to upgrade Retalation.
  • The retaliation ability is at half strength when taking damage while your health is greater than 199.
  • Fixed replication issue with the Support's adrenaline drip. Adrenaline drip will not work if the player is using an adrenaline combo.
  • Spector's hp is reduced by 25%.
  • Guardian's hp is reduced by 16.67%.
  • Client's aura distance from spirits increased by 100%. Note: the aura distance coverage from the spirit remains the same. When a player receives an aura, they can travel twice as far away from the spirit before the aura vanishes.
  • Adreanline cost for Life Burst increased from 50 to 75.
  • Healing weapons heal at 50% effeciency.
  • Paladins have a Regroup Spirits instead of the Kill Spirit artifact.
  • Piercing factor is calculated every time a player respawns.
  • Summoned monsters will not affect the piercing factor.
  • Summoned Gasbags' and Summoned Giant Gasbags' projectile speed increased by 300%. The small gasbags that the Summoned Giant Gasbag spawned are not affected.
  • Since Necromancers can no longer purchase Monster Resistances/Monster Vitality, you must pick a class first before you can purchase either Monster Resistances or Monster Vitality.
  • Fixed resistance requirements for Retaliation ability. The resistance requirement follows precisely what the ability's description said originally.
DW Monster Assault
  • The game will now remember you. Should you disconnect in any fashion (manual, crashed, kicked, change class, etc), the game will recall your old score as long as you came in as your old name.
  • Added a new property to the PlayerMonsterFilter class. The PMDamageScale is a configurable property so that the mapper can now choose the damage scaling for all player monsters for their map.
  • When muted, a reason is given to the client why they were muted.
  • Fixed decimal notation display issue when typing: SetDifficultyModifier console command for single player test sessions. When changing the difficulty to 25%, it'll say 25% instead of 0.25%.
Smart Monster Pack / Sample
  • Instead of replenishing health, the Invulnerability Hunter will improve its resistances when it is wounded. Max resistances is 100% for lightning, 90% for everything else.
  • IsOnTeam function overwritten so that neutral monsters will not attack neutral objects such as turrets.
  • Optimized functions for checking teams
  • Mappers can now place Scripted Characters from the OSM package if they chose to do so.
DW Assault Mapper Tools
  • Random operator created for the Scripted Action Set Variable. Mappers can now randomize variables for the Variable Storage actor for unpredictable numbers.
  • For the monster spawner, converted local variable (MonsterNumber) from byte to integer. Mappers can now reference monsters at the end of the monster table (such as the Phoenix monsters) by index value.
  • Reorganized configuration properties for the Key Pad menu.
ME RPG Expansion
  • New Necro ability: Toxic Proficiency - Passively deals extra damage when attacking a target with poisonous attacks (such as Bio Rifle and poisoned weapons).
    The player is also granted protection from self damage from poisonous attacks.
  • Necromancers cannot purchase Monster Resistances nor Monster vitality.
  • The Necromancer's soul meter will appear even when the client spawned while they are still on the loading screen.
  • Renamed Necromaner's Regrouping artifact to "Recall Minions".

DW U2 Weapons
  • The mapper can now place turrets without an owner.
  • New turret the mapper can place: Laser Turret.
  • Shock Lance now deals 15 damage instead of 1.1 for primary fire.
  • Shock Lance now deals 90 damage instead of 20 for alt fire.
  • Shock Lance deals lightning damage.
  • When deploying turrets, the turrets will not disable the player's collision if they initially had collision (in maps like Thrust and Argento).

WOS UT Monster Weapons
Fixes to Nali Fighters utilizing certain weapons and improvements to AI on use of weapons[/color]
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will.


Posts: 76
Joined: Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:35 am
Location: Czech Republic

Healing weapons heal at 50% effeciency.

Hmm what u made wiht it so far? Yesterday while playing Xeno shotgun didnt healed any more.
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