Hello, cant connect to the servers today: monster mash rpg 1 and 2 and monster evolution.
UT start dowloading all files, and in the end of this get this massage:
Receiving 'satore MonsterPackv120' (F10 cancel)
Size 1920K, Complete 0.2%
This file does not load and the download percentage reaches 0.2 and stops. After which the map loading stops and I cannot go to play on the servers. Help please.
Cant connect to the servers
I fixed this problem by downloading 'satore MonsterPackv120. But now another file - XMPHUDTexB.utx - does not load. Loading stops at 1.4%. Is it possible to download all these files necessary for playing on the server somewhere from a browser or somehow fix the download from the server?
It sounds like you've lost connection to the redirect server, which would have allowed you to download those files from the game. Can you try again to see if it's still the case?
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will.
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will.
I was fix problem in same day by find and download missed files manual from PC browser, from then dont get any same problem whith download from server. So I cant try again to download it.