Change Logs

Anything and everything related to the Evolution server.
DW Clan Member
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A hot fix is applied today.

Geothermal is updated
  • Fixed bug where the armory turret would respawn whenever a second armory spawn trigger is hit after the first turret was destroyed.
  • The sliding bridge will now crush when encroached instead of return when encroached.
  • The sliding bridge is also changed to trigger once only to eliminate the possibility of returning when triggered again.
  • Provided assistance to help the imps jump out from the lava.
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will.


DW Clan Member
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Location: North Carolina

In preparation for Epic Games shutting down their servers on January 24th, an update is applied today.
  • New Mutator! OpenSpyInfo - This mutator informs players about Epic shutting down their servers, and what they can do to connect to servers without Epic's server. This mutator also provides an option to configure their ini to connect to OpenSpyInfo instead of Epic's decommissioned master server. For more information about the server shutdown and OpenSpy, see
  • Monster Evolution is now connected to OpenSpy instead of Epic's master server. Players will no longer be able to browse to the server if they're using Epic's master server. Players can still connect to the server via IP address ( ) or through their favorites.
  • The game's MaxIdleTime is now 600 instead of 30 (this is the idle kicker that kicks spectators). The Monster Assault idle kicker remains the same at 10 minutes.
  • The spawn protection max duration is now 120 seconds instead of 12 seconds.
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will.


DW Clan Member
Posts: 2677
Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:00 pm
Location: North Carolina

Monster Evolution is updated today!

  • Magic weapon makers can no longer revert its effect. It'll instead now find the correct weapon type on first try.
  • All magic weapon makers can generate their weapons in the half amount of time. For example, the Berserker's magic weapon maker can generate weapons in 2 seconds instead of 4 seconds.
  • Reduced opacity and number of particles for Power Field effect. There is one exception though.

Three "new" maps are temporarily live!
  • AS-CloserToTheStars
  • AS-Huggers4All
  • AS-ToDoList

Temporary changes
  • All experience gained has increased by 10%.
  • Made some experimental changes to the piercing factor.
  • Map voting repeat limit is now 0 instead of 2, allowing players to vote for maps that were immediately played.
  • Any map records and stats recorded from the temporary maps will be reverted when they are pulled.
  • The relic for CloserToTheStars is temporarily disabled.
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will.


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1337 Haxor
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ohoho Hello Ant, how are you doing?
long time no see....

it seems you are still doing stuff on the server...
i'm looking forward to join once again to play some games for old times sake....
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1337 Haxor
Posts: 237
Joined: Sun Mar 10, 2013 6:30 pm

DW_Ant wrote: Fri Mar 31, 2023 8:40 pm

Three "new" maps are temporarily live!
  • AS-CloserToTheStars
  • AS-Huggers4All
  • AS-ToDoList
where are they ?????
DW Clan Member
Posts: 2677
Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:00 pm
Location: North Carolina

Monster Evolution is updated today!

New Mutator - Wormhole!
  • This grants players the ability to communicate to Discord members and vice versa.
  • This also allows discord users to observe the server state without launching UT2k4.

  • New Rank II Berserk ability: Ammo Retention! After rolling a weapon, a percentage of the weapon's ammunition is preserved.
  • New Rank II Support ability: Ammo Provisions! While active, all nearby allies and the Support will gradually generate ammo.
    • Moved the default position for Ammo Dump in the skill menu to be in an Ammo category shared with Ammo Provisions.
    • If you've customized your skill menu, and are interested in adding Ammo Provisions to the menu without resetting to defaults, you can add this line to your user.ini:
      Commands=(ClassType=CT_Support,SkillPath="Ammo.Ammo Provisions",SkillPathArray=,PrimaryCommand="ServerActivateArtifact ArtifactAmmoProvisions",PrimaryPrefix="Toggle ",SecondaryCommand=,SecondaryPrefix=,TertiaryCommand="SelectAbility ArtifactAmmoProvisions",TertiaryPrefix="[Select] ",RequiredInventory="MonsterAssaultRPG.ArtifactAmmoProvisions",RequiredInventoryClass=None)
  • Vehicle Armory stat cost is now 10, 12, 14 instead of 10, 15, 20.
  • Vehicle Mastery stat cost is now 20, 25, 30 instead of 25, 30, 35.
  • The Berserker's class perk is now enabled even if they're using a rage weapon to slay monsters.
  • Readiness no longer applies if the Support suicides.
  • Vigor now gives nearby allies mana by 0.4% per level of the damage instead of 0.3% per level of the damage.
  • When summoning or regrouping Support summons, there is now a minimum distance the summon is placed even if the summoner is inside a slow vehicle.
  • Cleanse no longer treats or give threat when healing allies that are cursed with duration greater than 5 minutes. The Cleanse's regeneration properties is not affected.
  • Life Siphon and Energy Leech no longer applies from friendly fire.
  • After the player reaches level 115, the Available Stats flashing yellow message on your hud no longer appears. This variable can be configured through your MonsterAssaultRPG.ini via StatsAvailMsgLevelThreshold.
  • Fixed bug where multiple Oak Sages could end up reducing the player's maximum health.
  • Fixed bug where the Replenish status effect would be removed whenever the owner's summoned monsters lost their replenish effect.
  • Fixed bug where the Replenish and Cleanse status effect would be given to the player even though their summoned monsters were the ones receiving the boons.

  • Putrid Expiration no longer prohibits Necromancers from cursing them. Curses and Putrid Expiration can affect the same target at the same time.
  • Multiple instances of Putrid Expiration can now stack. If the victim is already poisoned, then the additional stack of Putrid Expiration simply increases the poison duration by its full amount (6 seconds).
  • Multiple Necromancers' Putrid Expiration are now able to stack damage on a single target. The XP award is distributed between the Necromancers.
  • Necromancers are now able to stack their own poison supremacy and Frost Lich damage over time effects without preventing other Necromancers from doing the same. Multiple instances of Poison Supremacy/Frost Lich from different Necromancers can now stack.
  • Blood Frenzy's base damage is now 20 per level instead of 15 per level.
  • Increased Blood Frenzy's range by 1000 for all levels.
  • Blood Frenzy's maximum number of targets is now 10 instead of 8.
  • Reduced Blood Frenzy's visual effects. Scaled down the mesh by 35%, and the blood opacity is reduced by 25%.
  • Added PickupScrapMetal_Placeable, allowing level designers to place scrap metal in their maps. This pickup also allows them to randomize or pick specific metal types.
  • The Immortality effect no longer diminishes Blood Frenzy's damage output.
  • Ghosts of Anguish can now be auto activated and deactivated via "AltActivateItem AutoActivate" command. If there are pending souls, the Ghosts of Anguish will still auto summon ghosts until the pending souls reaches zero.
  • Ghosts of Anguish will now only display error messages one time regarding not enough mana or souls rather than spamming the Necromancer's messages every failed attempt.
  • Fixed bug where the Ghost of Anguish would remove the status icon even if there are other ghosts on standby. The status icon will now be removed when the last ghost is unleashed.
  • When summoning or regrouping Necromancer or Mechanic summons, there is now a minimum distance the summon is placed even if the summoner is inside a slow vehicle.
  • When recalling sentries and sentinels while inside a vehicle, the regroup location will consider the Mechanic's aim direction rather than the vehicle's forward direction.
  • Fixed bug where Mechanics could not send their robots to follow an ally.
  • Summoned Rocket Sentries no longer gain a 35% lightning resistance boost even if the Mechanic has Sentry level 11 or above.
  • Summoned Ballistic Sentries no longer gain a 20% fire resistance and 35% lightning resistance boost even if the Mechanic has a high enough Sentry level.
  • The mana cost for Armor Shards is now 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 instead of 8, 16, 24, 32, 40.
  • Divine Weapons and Sacrilegious Weapons now mention the console command to max out the modifiers in their descriptions.
  • Bile Essence now requires 1 second to roll a weapon regardless of level instead of requiring 1.5 seconds for the first level and 0.5 seconds for the second level.
  • Implemented InvFatigueImmunity that will render the monster immune to Fatigue. Level designers would have to give this inventory item to monsters for this to apply.
  • Fixed bug with Immortality where the Necromancer could avoid the Ion Kill volume after resurrecting themselves in the volume.

  • Added new console command 'SkipCutscene'. When the game is playing a skippable cutscene, players can vote to skip it. If majority of the players voted to skip the cutscene, it'll do so.
    • To avoid breaking map scripts, this feature is disabled by default. The level designer will have to use a ASCinematic_FirstPersonSceneManager actor and set its bSkippable flag to true. This also means that maps require an update in order to make their cutscenes skippable.
    • If the game skips the cutscene, it'll NOT invoke the scene manager's EventSceneEnded event. However it'll trigger a MESkipCutscene event so level designers can update their map state despite the cutscene not finishing.
    • If there are any independent scripts associated with the cutscene, those scripts will continue, but the players would not be viewing the cameras.
    • If there are scripts listening for camera events (such as DWCinematicCamera's EventViewingCamera), those events will not trigger since players are no longer viewing from them.
    • Spectators cannot vote to skip the cutscenes nor do they influence the threshold.
    • Dead players are able to vote to skip the cutscenes and they do influence the threshold.
  • Added DW_Sentinel_Ceiling and DW_Sentinel_Floor: Same as auto turrets, but they are able to target monsters without the need of using Divine Fortress hacks.
  • Players can now disable the welcome music.
  • The max elemental resistances friendly player monsters can have is now 90%.
  • Slain friendly Player monsters can no longer affect flawless victory.
  • Fixed bug where the game would announce that the attackers have lost the match even when they completed the last objective while the team score is not positive.
  • Map records can now be recorded even if the team didn't score a single point.
  • Added debugging command 'DebugMonster' to log the state of the monster AI.

  • Doom Seekers can now protect up to 3 monsters. When protected, projectiles will pass through them. Doom Seekers cannot protect other Doom Seekers. The protected monsters are not invulnerable as there are other ways to harm them.
  • Summoned dragons will now try to fly up if they are struck while landing.
  • Summon Razor Flies and Summon Giant Razor Flies can now deal lingering venom damage to victims they strike. If they strike a victim that's already inflicted, it would simply increase the venom damage.
    • The Giant Razor Fly's venom damage is more intense compared to the normal flies.
    • Flies from different hives (such as when there are multiple support summoners), the venom damage stacks and works independently, giving each summoner XP credit for the damage.
    • Vehicles and turrets are immune to fly venom.
    • The Giant Razor Flies can now do lingering venom damage by default. Its intensity is weaker compared to the summoned Giant Razor Fly.
  • Implemented Search and Destroy mode. If true, then the monster will scan the area in search for hostiles to attack or friendlies to protect.
  • If the monster's attitude is max or follow, then the monster will follow a player. If the attitude is friendly, then it'll obey its order assigned to them (such as patrolling or wandering).
  • Idling monsters that are ordered to patrol will return to their patrol shortly after entering the RestFormation or Roaming state.
  • Patrolling friendly monsters no longer interrupt their patrol upon observing an allied player.
  • If a monster spots a new Enemy while in its victory dance state, it'll assess if the target is a friend or foe before deciding if it should engage the new target instead of always attacking them.
  • Added safety check to the monster AI to prevent friendly monsters from attacking players.
  • Ice Dragons, Toxic Sliths, Advanced Rocket WailLords, Advanced Energy WailLords, and Electric Sliths no longer drain adrenaline from friendly fire.
  • Fixed the idle sounds in multiplayer for the following monsters: Cacodemon, Cherub, Commando, CyberDemon, Maggot, Pinky, and Sabaoth.
  • Fixed the second 'swish' sound effect from the Angus attack in multiplayer.
  • Increased the size of the cyber demon projectile to better match the scale of the demon.
  • Increased the scale of the cyber demon's mouth fire FX to better match the scale of the demon.
  • Improved performance with LurveDragons when they're healing nearby allies.
  • SmartMonsterPack no longer depends on Effigy.
  • Fixed rare crash where a monster with an alarm tag attempts to find an alarm at the same time it's transitioning over to the RestFormation state.
  • Fixed bug where monsters could trigger its KilledEvent more than once (such as when the warlord plays its falling death state, it would technically 'die' twice).
  • Fixed node access error when Wraiths are unable to find a nearby valid teleport location.

  • New Curse: Possessed - causes the victim to dodge around.
  • MenuUseTrigger can now load a menu via MenuClassReference instead of string. This is useful for any 'myleveled' menu classes.
  • The Monster Spawner can now configure the razor fly's venom level.
  • Monsters can no longer stack the Protection boon multiple times on one target.
  • Added InstigatorOnly flag for the PRIRelicCheck. If true, then the relic check will only run the checks on the event instigator instead of all members on the team.
  • Implemented DWShootableTrigger. Same as a Trigger actor but the level designer is able to configure which damage types are relevant in order to trigger the actor.
  • Implemented GUI_InfoPage_DefaultMsgParent, a simple info page that allows level designers to set the text without relying on replicating large strings across the network. This class requires level designers to create subclasses in order to customize the default message.
  • Implemented DWIonKillVolume - Same as the Ion Cannon Kill volume, but it implements the following features:
    • Supports multiple class constraints.
    • Can be toggled when triggered.
    • This volume also fixes the following bugs:
      • Fixes bug where the driver would freeze in mid air out when their vehicle is destroyed.
      • Fixes bug where players could escape the Ion Cannon when switching to a passenger seat.

New Map: AS-Outback!
Outback.jpg (217.01 KiB) Viewed 20542 times
City slickers just took over the outback's top brewery. They've dumped your favorite beverage, replacing it with piss poor Zero Beer.

The grog's got no alcohol and tastes like a Bondi cigar! Get over there pronto and sort this thing out... before it takes over OZ!!

Abyss is updated
  • The Xenomorph Queen and Praetorians are now optional monsters. They must be explicitly summoned before the port objectives are destroyed.
  • The score multipliers for the Xenomorph Queen and Praetorians are now 2.5x instead of 1x.
  • Added pickups in the water under terminals 2-4.
  • The scuba gear will now spawn in the submarine if the average player level is 125 or below instead of 99 or below.
  • The scuba gear level check now runs another check whenever the center boss is defeated instead of only checking the player levels from the beginning.
  • Added scuba gear pickups near port hole objectives in order to reduce the time it takes to complete the relic.
  • The distance requirement between spawn point and the closest player for the Emerald fish to spawn is now 8000 instead of 10000
  • The recommended player range is now 1-4 instead of 2-6.
  • XP gained from damaging monsters is now 125-625 instead of 120-325
  • XP gained from completing objectives is now 98-400 instead of 90-275
  • The flooding cutscene is now skippable.
  • The game now notifies the player how many Emerald Fishes they have slain.

Geothermal is updated
  • If the average level is 100 or below, a box opens up at the beginning, revealing an early shield gun, shield pack, and scrap metal.
  • Added another 50 adrenaline pickup in the beginning area.
  • If the average level is 100 or below, bonus health packs spawn throughout the map.
  • Added two health vials near the grenade launcher spawn.
  • Added two health vials under the mancubus spawn.
  • The Mancubus is replaced with a vulgar when there are 1-3 players in the server.
  • Fixed collision issue in lava tunnel near the rotating bridge.
  • Reduced the beginning chestburster speed by 75%.
  • Reduced the beginning chestburster damage by 35%.
  • Reduced the beginning chestburster score by 25%.
  • Blocked off alternative route to retrieve souls near the rotating lava bridge room.
  • The Electric Skeletal Magii in the boss room now spawn when there are 4-32 players instead of 2-32 players.
  • The imps near the rotating lava bridge no longer try to hang onto the ceiling.
  • Added two scrap metal pickups in the supply corridor.
  • The lift from the supply corridor to the coolant room now does 20 damage if encroached.
  • The lift from the supply corridor to the coolant room can no longer toggled. It'll complete its cycle before the buttons become available again.
  • Removed one of the upper buttons for the lift from the supply corridor to the coolant room.
  • Fixed visual bug where the Sabaoth projectile would not explode in mid air in multiplayer.
  • The cutscene that opens the core doors is now skippable.
  • Added an extra aggro event for the lava imps.
  • Level limits for XP gained from damaging monsters are now 140-420 instead of 115-325
  • Level limits for XP gained from completing objectives are now 115-275 instead of 95-225
  • Recommended level range is now 55-115 instead of 35-85
  • Sabaoth can no longer be Fatigued.

Mothership is updated
  • The number of available ships is increased by 5 each time the server meets the number of players: 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 12.
  • The fly into the hangar cutscene is now skippable.
  • The doors after the shield generator objective (around the rocket sentry) now close when the Praetorians are unleashed.
    • These doors will temporarily open just in case players are going for the ripper secret.
  • Fixed floating static meshes connected to the roof of the core room (near the two link turrets).

Simulation is updated
  • Speed combo is now disabled for hard mode.
  • Removed direct experience reward text references since those rewards don't consider experience multipliers.
  • Removed misleading bonus round briefing suggesting that the waillords will stop spawning when a player brings a flare to the portal.
  • Added message when enough waillords have been slain for the relic.
  • All cutscenes except for the 2nd medium difficulty game are now skippable.
  • There are now floating cubes that drag across the sky.
  • There is now a new obstacle course for the bonus round.
  • Added a boss monster during the bonus round.

Use of Weapons Level 2 is updated
  • Added blocking volumes around the perimeter and ceiling to prevent flying monsters (such as the seeker) from flying out of bounds.
  • Added a barrier to prevent the fire pupae from escaping the pit.
  • Fixed soft lock bug with the village objective. Sealed the barrier around the skaarj to prevent monster summons from killing them too early.
  • The relic is now given immediately when the conditions are met instead of checking at the end of the map.
  • Added a new visual cue when the relic is given.
  • Fixed a few disconnected path nodes.
  • Added rock texture to the seeker cave.
  • The Krall now drops minigun ammo instead of a link gun.
  • The players can no longer stub their toes over the small stones around the Krall campfire.

Use of Weapons Level 4 is updated
  • Fixed multiple collision wedges around the fire objective.
  • Added a second weapon locker near the shock rifle spawn.
  • Fixed disconnected pathing to the sniper rifle.

Use of Weapons Level 5 is updated
  • Fixed Z-fighting bug when the pairs of doors near the first Ripper spawn opens. This fix also applies to the pair of doors that open for the first resurrection area.
  • Fixed bug where the pairs of doors near the first Ripper spawn would pierce through the wall on the other side. This fix also applies to the pair of doors that open for the first resurrection area.
  • Player monsters can no longer interact with the button the opens up the ship.
  • Fixed collision wedges around the trucks.
  • Added goodies around various secrets.
  • Patched navigation for the dragons near before the cyber demon spawn.
  • The dragons before the cyber demon spawn will now patrol when aggro'd.
  • Removed references to NvidiaLogo texture package since that wasn't delivered to all UT installs.
  • Fixed collision wedge behind the tanks between the spinning blades area.
  • Remove simplified collision over silo mesh near the xeno egg.
  • Doom seekers will now make an appearance during the boss fight if there are 5 or more players on the server.
  • Fixed broken pathing under the stairs to the guardian boss fight room.
  • The Guardian Door cutscene is now skippable.
  • Fixed bug where players can walk through some of the panels on the first truck and get stuck.
  • Fixed bug where players can fall through the floor on the second truck, and get stuck inside it.
  • Removed exaggerated collision volumes around the fronts of both trucks.
  • Fixed collision wedge behind the crane resting between the pond and the spinning blades on the floor.
  • It's no longer possible to jump over the trigger that spawns monsters around the spinning blades.
  • Fixed another collision wedge near the ion painter spawn.
  • It's no longer possible to shoot through the glass at the lift controls room.
  • Fixed bug where one of the fence segments near the enlightened spawn was rendering a solid wall on one side and nothing on the other side.

Use of Weapons Level 6 is updated
  • Added low gravity to the AI Shaft area.
  • Replaced damage volume with a teleporter in the AI Shaft area.
  • Revise objective description "Locate the AI shaft" instead of "Reach to AI shaft"
  • The relic is now disabled when the mech is activated instead of when the players approach the mech controls.
  • Add a decorations around the glass panels to indicate if it's possible to jump around them or not.
  • Fixed bug where the glass panel wasn't connected to the wall.
  • The blocking volume by the electric sliths are now a monster-only blocking volume.
  • Reduced the engine exhaust emitter sound volume.
  • The relic trigger message is now "Press [Use] to collect relic." instead of simply "Use"

Use of Weapons Level 7 is updated
  • Added failsafe to the boss blocking volumes to only have them trigger once to prevent them from soft locking the map when triggered more than once.
  • Lowered the ceiling blocking volume to prevent flying monsters from flying beyond range.
  • Infinite monsters now have a distinct skin compared to the other monsters.
  • Fixed the objective order for "Destroy the AI's minions" objective. It now takes priority rather than sharing the priority with locating the AI chamber objective.
  • The "Destroy AI minion" objective location is now called "bridge" instead of "Triggered Objective".
  • Replaced the shield charger in the back of the boss room with a weapon locker.
  • Fixed bug where the boss taking damage emitter wouldn't replay after taking damage repeatedly.
  • Fixed bug where a solid black sphere would appear while the boss objective is highlighted (when the core is vulnerable).

Vindication is updated
  • The tank now respawns when destroyed to prevent soft locking. It takes 30 seconds for it to respawn.
  • The announcer no longer states 'Vehicle Destroyed' when the tank is destroyed.
  • Mechanics are now able to salvage the tank.
  • The introduction cutscene is now skippable.
  • Fixed hole in ceiling at the hallway to the last area.
  • Added window panels to the hallway ceiling where there are water droplets from the rain.
  • Fixed terrain tile bleeding through the interior near the end hallway.
  • Replaced water droplet particles in the end hallway with water splash rings.
  • Fix collision gap in hallway ceiling. It's noticeable for small monsters such as the manta.
  • Fixed missing roof when viewing the hallway from the end game camera.
  • Ice Beam Waillord at the end now spawns when there are at least 5 players in game instead of 8 players.
  • The recommended number of players is now 2-6 instead of 5-8

Wangara I is updated
  • Fixed bug where the Wangara title sometimes wouldn't appear during the intro cutscene in a multiplayer environment.
  • Added a hint whenever the redeemer is dropped.
  • The experience multipliers from damaging monsters based on level are now 80-270 instead of 80-180.
  • The experience multipliers from completing objectives based on level are now 64-160 instead of 64-130.
  • Intro cutscene is now skippable.
  • Added a bubble around the intro cameras to give it some personal space from players wanting to give the camera a hug.

Wangara II is updated
  • Fixed bug where monsters could bump into doors and elevators to open them even if they're locked.
  • Fixed softlock bug where monsters could trigger the main elevator without activating the cutscene.
  • Replaced marine link gun drops with link gun ammo.
  • Added link gun spawn in a spaceship. This works around the issue where players can't link against other players.
  • The elevator cutscene is now skippable.
  • The relic trigger now only reacts to redeemer damage types.
  • Added additional explosions whenever someone obtains the relic.
  • Added a relic hint during the end cutscene.
  • The proton shoot triggers can be reactivated in 0.4 seconds instead of 5 seconds.
  • The Enlightens now only spawn if the average level is 150 or above.
  • The experience multipliers from damaging monsters based on level are now 95-290 instead of 80-190.
  • The experience multipliers from completing objectives based on level are now 75-215 instead of 60-120.

XenomorphColony Part I is updated
  • Players can now join the server alive during the Hellbender chase scene. They would just spawn in an alternate location.
  • Added blocking volume in the corner of the lockdown override chamber.
  • Reenabled elevator trap that ties in with DM-XenomorphFacility.
  • Cutscenes are now skippable.
  • Updated location names from "Lockdown Overwrite" to "Lockdown Override"
  • The required average player level to open the scuba gear room is now 150 and below instead of 125 and below. It still requires 5 players or fewer.
  • Fixed a few broken path nodes in the Lockdown Override room.
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will.


DW Clan Member
Posts: 2677
Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:00 pm
Location: North Carolina

A hot fix is applied today.

  • Fixed bug where Outback's relic data wouldn't replicate to clients. This fix does not require updating the map, itself.

  • Fixed bug where the possessed curse prohibiting players from crouching doesn't work online.

  • Added a flag that can disable player crouching.
  • Fixed bug where the skip cutscene event could be triggered multiple times for one cutscene.

  • Fixed bug where entering 'TossArtifact' in console would destroy certain artifacts.

  • Bile Essence weapon maker now requires 2 seconds to roll a weapon instead of 1 second.
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will.


DW Clan Member
Posts: 2677
Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:00 pm
Location: North Carolina

On November 12th, the players have discovered another new map.

New map: AS-Nocturne-2!
Nocturne2.jpg (104 KiB) Viewed 20429 times
HQ needs to be notified what you've encountered, and you need to be extracted from the facility. Unfortunately there is no signal from where you stand.
The adventure continues. . .

In addition to that, a hot fix is applied today.

  • Fixed bug where the player monster's max elemental resistances was not shown in the player monster menu.

  • Tainted Summons DestroyArtifact now destroys the artifact even if there's a soul infused it.

Nocturne 2 is updated
  • The first door (leading to the cold water) is now set to ignore when encroached instead of return when encroached, preventing players from keeping the door open.
  • Added additional titan at the intersection if the average level is high. And another if the team size is large.
  • The Xenomorph damage scaling in the restricted area ambush is now 0.8 instead of 0.65.
  • Fixed the beep sound when the skaarj activates the lockdown during the roof intro scene.
  • Increased the collision radius of the navigate to the radio communication tower objective so it can be touched from the other side of the door in case players are already outside by the time the objective becomes active.
  • Fixed softlock bug near the end where the roof monsters could be cleared before the 'navigate to the roof' objective could be triggered.
  • Fixed softlock bug where the Archvile could fail to spawn if its spawn point is obstructed.
  • When boarding the extraction ship, the player's momentum resets back to zero.
  • Increased the cooldown time between long lasting possessed events.
  • Fixed bug where the Possessed Krall wouldn't consume the player abilities when driving a vehicle.
  • Fixed bug where the player would lose the ability to use weapons if the possessing krall tossed their weapon while they're inside a vehicle.
  • Nocturne 2 is now votable in the map roster.

Outback is updated
  • Reduced the number of friendly monsters when there are 3 or more players on the server.
  • Reduced even more friendly monsters when there are 6 or more players on the server.
  • Added a blocking volume over the factory roof while the outdoors are closed.
  • Fixed softlock bug with the stirring paddles objective.
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will.


DW Clan Member
Posts: 2677
Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:00 pm
Location: North Carolina

An update is applied today.

  • Updated Wormhole to use version 1.0.7.
    • Fixed Assault GameHandler match end reporting
    • Implement HandleActorSpawned in GameHandler to support more in-depth customization of Wormhole
    • Improved separation of concerns
  • Added an informative message to joining players regarding that the server is linked to a discord server.
  • Fixed bug where the game would report that the players were defeated every time a player disconnects.
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will.


DW Clan Member
Posts: 2677
Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:00 pm
Location: North Carolina

Monster Evolution is updated today!

  • Added new mutator: DPS Monitor
    • This mutator is responsible for monitoring the damage output for each player holding the DPS inventory item in order to calculate their average DPS in the last 10 seconds and their recent burst damage.
    • This mutator is also responsible for redirecting monster summons' damage output to the summoner's overall damage output.
    • This mutator is not global. A level designer would have to add it to their maps to apply it.
  • Fixed bug where Recall would sometimes fail to supply weapons to the user when the user respawns immediately after death, causing the player to spawn without weapons.
  • Fixed memory leak where Recall would not destroy previous weapons that the player spawned with.
  • Fixed bug where Recall would be unable to replace non RPG Weapons, causing duplicate weapons in possession.
  • Fixed rare client-side crash when the player respawns with recall while also containing abilities that provide ammo at spawn such as Locked And Loaded and Grenade Bundles. This fix also requires updates to ME_RPGExpansion.
  • Removed low level protection in PvP.
  • Players cannot pickup mana, health, and ammo canisters deployed by the enemy team.
  • Summoned monsters on the blue team will now have a blue halo over their heads.
  • Ammo Provisions will no longer supply ammo to the enemy team.
  • Power Field will no longer supply mana to the enemy team.
  • Implosion can now pull and damage players in the enemy team.
  • Implosion will no longer pull allied monsters.
  • Shout and Sacrifice can now damage players in the enemy team.
  • Altered Shout's appearance for a day.
  • Fixed bug where Sacrifice would reset its charge up if it was activated while charging.
  • Fixed typo in Cautiousness ability description.

  • Fixed bug where TurretManiac would not apply to Minigun turrets in a multiplayer setting.
  • Arctic Ward, Chromatic, Chromatic Ward, Divine, Fire Ward, Magma, Retaliation, and Sacrilegious weapons no longer retaliate when the user is struck while they're inside a vehicle or turret.
  • Fixed client-side crash when magma weapons are destroyed while its particle effects are active.
  • Increased the fire radius from Magma weapons by 33%.
  • Weapon Melt can no longer salvage vehicle weapons.
  • Poison Supremacy can no longer do more than 20 thousand damage per cold or poison pulse.
  • Necromancers can now curse players on the enemy team.
  • Optimized the method used to find a victim when determining a pawn to curse.
  • Players cannot pickup souls, armor shards, scrap metal, or tainted summons deployed by the enemy team.
  • Plague can now damage players on the enemy team.
  • Blood Frenzy can now target players on the enemy team.
  • Putrid Expiration can now poison players on the enemy team.
  • Players can no longer enter crafted turrets deployed by the enemy team.
  • Auto and regular crafted turrets will now change teams if the Mechanic also changes teams.
  • Add respawn support for soul pickups (only placed by the level designer).

  • New FlashlightActor. Players can pick up this item to illuminate the area in front of them.
  • Added new scripted action that can change the instigator's team without killing them. The Action_ChangeInstigatorTeam will also transfer their summoned monsters to the new team, too.
  • Cinematic scene managers can now support infinite cutscenes.
  • Implemented new cinematic camera that can be dynamically attached to a pawn.
  • Added scripted action that allows level designers configure when cutscenes are interrupted.
  • New inventory item level designers can add. The InvAntiVehicleDamage multiplies the owner's damage output when attacking vehicles.
  • Monster spawners can now determine if Doom Seekers can protect others or not.

  • The event 'MEPlayerSpawned' is triggered every time a player spawns.
  • Added a scripted action that allows maps to enable/disable class icons to be rendered in game. This will not affect the scoreboard class icons.
  • Added parameter to prevent 'Cutscene skipped' message from appearing. This is used when the new scripted action interrupts the current cutscene.

  • Summoned monsters can now harm other summoned monsters on the enemy team.
  • Doom Seeker's protection skill is now configurable.

New temporary map: All Bets Lost
Come one... come all! These hallowed grounds hosts a unique PvP platform where many will come to test their skills, might, and wit.
This arena also provides a platform for warriors to measure their damage per second.

The contestants come here to fight in Albatross.
The spectators come here to witness 'All Bets Lost'.

New temporary map: CoLuLsseum
The contestants are back in the familiar arena. The spectators are eager to see the bloodshed once again, but ... for some reason ... the contestants don't know how to fight. None of them seem to know how to aim, and they keep bumping into the corners. Maybe the monsters sabotaged them before the battle even started.

New temporary map: Xenomorph Colonist Part 1
We have no contact with the marines. We're on our own for this one. Although the lockdown may have slowed the Xenomorphs, we can't hide in this garage forever. We have to go back in there and restore the power. With our luck, some of the sectors are still operational running on auxiliary power. But who knows for how much longer? Once the power is back, we should be able to contact someone for extraction.

For the few of us colonists that are still alive, we're going back in there with no combat training, no armor, and no weapons. But what other choice do we have?

Note: Xenomorph Colonist Part 2 is not yet available. It'll be arriving soon.

The following maps are back temporarily!
  • Closer to the Stars
  • Hugs 4 All
  • To Do List

Closer to the Stars is updated
  • Changed map title so that this map and Thrust can be on the server at the same time without affecting records and relic.
  • Removed map relic

Hugs 4 All is updated
  • There are now elemental face huggers in each room. These are in addition to the previous face huggers.
  • An elemental face hugger now spawns somewhere in the map every time a monster is summoned.
  • Changed map title so that this map and Cubes 4 All can be on the server at the same time without affecting records and relic.
  • Removed map relic
  • Queens now does 5 times more damage when striking vehicles.
  • Queens also automatically salvage all nearby vehicles.

Nano Technics is updated
  • Cutscenes are now skippable.

To Do List is updated
  • Change map title so that this map and Nano Technics can be on the server at the same time without affecting records and relic.
  • Remove map relic
  • Added two more optional objectives related to 2023 updates.
  • Slightly changed map appearance
  • Cutscenes are now skippable
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will.


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