Change Logs

Anything and everything related to the Evolution server.
DW Clan Member
Posts: 2677
Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:00 pm
Location: North Carolina

Monster Evolution is updated!

Monster Assault RPG
  • Added bonus XP multiplier events. Just like for map xp multipliers, records are scaled to the current bonus event.
    • A +25% bonus XP event is now active for the duration of this weekend!
  • The Support's summon preferences are now saved to the client's ini file. The browse selection type (eg: browse through all summoned monsters, tiered monsters, or strongest only) and the option for the ability to automatically select the next strongest affordable monster if the current selected monster is too expensive to summon is now remembered across maps.
  • Changed the following for Summon Skaarj Troopers:
    • Disabled ducking
    • Attack rate is now 0.2 seconds instead of 0.4 seconds.
    • Shielded attack rate is now 0.1 seconds instead of 0.7 seconds.
    • Shield chance is now 10% instead of 20%.
    • Skaarj Trooper's retaliation triggers regardless if the attacker is the trooper's current target or not.
  • Changed the following for Summon Skaarj Snipers:
    • Disabled ducking
    • Attack rate is now 0.75 seconds instead of 1.9 seconds.
    • Shielded attack rate is now 0.4 seconds instead of 1 second.
    • Shield chance is now 10% instead of 50%.
    • Skaarj Sniper's retaliation triggers regardless if the attacker is the sniper's current target or not.
    • Skaarj Sniper's retaliation now strikes the attacker instead of the sniper's current target.
  • Changed the following for all brute summons:
    • Enabled 'Gut Attack' animation to allow the brute to strike their targets when close rather than stretching their arms forward and shooting behind their target's head.
    • Increased damage output by 50%.
    • Summoned brutes may be dense, but at least their thick skin comes with a perk. They can now resist all damage intake. This ability is compounded with the monster's resistances.
      • Lesser Brutes resist 10% of all damage.
      • Brutes resist 15% of all damage.
      • Behemoths resist 20% of all damage.
  • Raptor summoning cost is now 310 instead of 260.
  • Disabled summoned raptors' hit animation to prevent them from excessively biting their targets every time they take damage.
  • Supports' summons max health is now rounded to the nearest whole number, allowing their health bars to turn blue when they regenerate to max health.
  • Implosion now protects all monsters in pulls, rendering them immune to all damage until it implodes.
  • Implosion now distributes experience to the team. The caster gains an additional 35%. Level limitations are now ignored.
  • Vengeance no longer gives 4x adrenaline for slaying monsters.
  • Vengeance now makes the Berserker temporarily invulnerable until it detonates. This will provide the Berserker xp credit for damaging monsters. When negating damage from the invulnerability, the Berserker's knockback momentum is multiplied by 32! The Berserker will perish after the Vengeance explosion.
  • Fixed bug where Vengeance and Retaliation are not purchaseable if the Berserker did not purchase any abilities.
  • Specters, Guardians, Life Cord, and Aegis can now protect players from environmental damage and when the attacker is not found (eg: when a monster is killed before their projectiles land and Xenomorph acid blood). These skills do not protect players from self damage though.
  • Iron Legs no longer affects summons and player monsters.

ME RPG Expansion
  • New Rank I Monster Ability: Bone Enchantments - When spawning as a Skeletal Mage, you will gain their advanced spell casting capabilities.
  • New Rank II Necromancer Ability: Plated Bones - Increases Summon Skeletons' physical resistance by 2% per level (up to 10 levels).
  • New Rank III Necromancer Ability: Soul Forging - Fuse multiple souls to summon a skeletal mage of an element of your choosing regardless of the souls used.
  • Summon Skeletal Magii now have distinct portraits and names depending on the summon mode.
  • Physical Skeletal Mage is now named Cyclone Skeletal Mage.
  • The Sentinel panel now uses ratios instead of hard thresholds when configuring when their drone should spawn health, ammo, adrenaline, and armor.
  • Supports can now purchase Summon Regeneration. The ability moved from Necromancer Class to Misc Abilities in the RPG class dropdown.
  • Summon Regeneration no longer requires Summon Zombie or Summon Skeleton.
  • Craft Turret ability description no longer states that level 4 requires rank 3 since the max level is only 3.
DW Monster Assault
  • All player monsters options are now available at the start of the match instead of waiting for each monsters' cooldown period before becoming available.
  • Spectators can no longer follow friendly monsters. Summoned monsters and human controlled monsters can still be viewed.
  • The idle kicker can now detect vehicle movement.
Smart Monster Pack
  • Advanced Burning Skeletal Magii can now cast level 5 Fire Shield where it would resist 50% of the fire damage rather than 10%.

DW Assault Mapper Tools
  • Glacier Blight's vehicle damage scaling is now 1.0 instead of 0.4.
  • Players no longer become immune to Decay and Glacier Blight when they jump in a vehicle that renders the driver immune to damage (eg: passenger seats). Instead the damage is transferred to the vehicle.
  • Adv DW Monster Spawner changes
    • Removed TriggerChance based on the number of players and levels. TriggerChance for conditional variables remain.
    • Fixed a bug where TriggerChance is computed after it was used for the first time. It's now calculated before it's used.
    • Added a NewChanceToSpawn fields to allow the spawner to overwrite its ChanceToSpawn based on various conditions. The spawners can now differentiate between trigger chances (react to trigger events) and the ChanceToSpawn (when triggering for the first time, this variable determines if the spawner should be dormant or not).
Gauntlet is updated
  • Added 2 health pickups in the monster teleport room.
  • Added super shield pickup in the monster teleport room.
  • Increased XP reward for the dinosaurs and goro in the cages by 20%.
  • Added 4 health pickups in the hangar.
  • Added super shield and keg health in the hangar.
  • The infinite Air Drone Bombers' health multipliers are now 5% instead of 20%.
  • Increased XP reward for the Skaarj and Warlord in the hangar by 50%.
  • Level limits for XP gained from damaging monsters are now 90-210 instead of 50-160.
  • Level limits for XP gained from completing objectives are now 75-155 instead of 50-115.
Nano Technics is updated
  • Reduced health of dishwasher rust objectives by 50%.
  • The end boss is now a fury titan instead of a regular titan. Its appearance remains the same due to shielding mechanics.
  • The lava in the oven is now a liquid (instead of being able to fall and walk under lava).
  • End game XP is now 175 instead of 100.
  • Level limits for XP gained from damaging monsters are now 90-220 instead of 75-150.
  • Level limits for XP gained from completing objectives are now 60-150 instead of 30-115.
Seraphim Falling is updated
  • Added windows, floor grates, ceiling vents, ambient sounds, and revised lighting in certain areas.
  • In the first spawn: replaced the two nonrespawnable health packs (total healing 50) with DW Health Packs (repeat touch health packs). Total healing is now 200.
  • In the second spawn: replaced the health pack (total healing 25) with DW Health Packs (total healing is now 600).
  • In the room outside the gas room: replaced the two nonrespawnable health packs (total healing 50) with DW Health Packs (total healing 150).
  • Added 200 adrenaline at both spawns.
  • Added 2 respawnable shield packs in the second spawn.
  • Chestbursters will spawn instead of face huggers when the average level is 1-50.
  • Fixed bug where killing 2 or more undead at the same time still gives the relic.
Temple Run is updated
  • The shield pack at the beginning now spawns immediately.
  • Added a second shield pack at the beginning.
  • The warlord ambush now triggers when there are 2 or more players instead of 5 or more players. If there are 2 or more players, the ambush happens 50% of the time.
  • The warlords in the ambush are no longer zero score. Instead their score multipliers are now 1.25.
  • There are a total of 5 ambush warlords instead of an infinite number of warlords.
  • Added 8 flanking skaarj that will assist the warlords in the ambush.
  • When the ambush happens, the player spawn points are now outside instead of the middle of the ambush.
  • Slight adjustments to lighting.
  • Added adrenaline in the super shield secret.
  • Added two weapon lockers (at ship and cave) to allow weapon copying.
  • Revised the second redeemer secret to make it easier to discover (change logs are intentionally vague).
    • Order of operations can now be executed in any order rather than a specific order.
    • Added feedback to progressing the secret.
    • Added more steps involved for secret.
    • Changed the monsters for secret.
Thrust is updated
  • Added Air Drones throughout the map. Each area can spawn 2-4 drones (easy mode), 4-8 drones (hard mode).
  • Fixed pathing through the door by the sniper rifle ammo spawn after the pressure tank objective.
  • The very same door by the sniper rifle ammo spawn no longer toggles open/close every time a monster is slain.
  • Player monter drones are enabled.
  • Fixed the possibility of trapping players inside the doors behind the guidance missile since the doors can now only open (they cannot close once they open).
  • Revised oil tanks' collision.
  • Added a small box for the skaarj snipers on top of the oil tanks.
  • Extended the team progress volume at the end so players could hide inside the ship when waiting for their allies.
  • Bridge support beams are now touching the bridge.
  • Closed off the gap between the arcs and the terrain at the beginning spawn.
  • Added player blocking volumes over the first hill by the beginning spawn.
  • Fixed bug where the rocket thrusters are always on. They are now turned on upon activating the launch sequence.
  • Renamed AS-ME-Thrust to AS-Thrust-ME for alphabetical sorting purposes.
  • Level limits for gaining XP from damaging monsters are now 115-275 instead of 90-180 (easy mode).
  • Level limits for gaining XP from damaging monsters are now 175-350 instead of 150-225 (hard mode).
Xenomorph Colony Part II is updated
  • Placed a blocking volume between the treads of the tank at the extraction site.
  • Runners in the vents (after the goliath tunnel) no longer have high resistances and damage.
  • The runners in those vents (after the goliath tunnel) now provide XP.
  • There are a total of 2-6 runners that may spawn in those vents after the goliath tunnel.
General log warning fixes
  • Fixed log warnings when trying to access null variables from the following:
    • Killer from DWScriptedMonster::Died function.
    • Killed from ASGameInfo::Killed function.
    • Killer from ASGameInfo::NotifyKilled function.
    • P from ASGameInfo::CheckEndGame function.
    • Mechanic from MechanicSentinelController::FindMechanic function.
    • Mechanic from MechanicLinkController::FindMechanic function.
    • PlayerReplicationInfo from ArtifactSentinel::UpdateSentinelMaster function.
    • PlayerReplicationInfo from ArtifactSentry::UpdateSentryMaster function.
    • C from FriendlyMonsterController::SameTeamAs function.
    • InstigatedBy from DWScriptedMonster::TakeDamage function.
    • InstigatedBy from RPGRules::AwardEXPForDamage function.
    • InstigatedBy from RPGRules::NetDamage function.
    • Instigator from AbilityLifeSiphon::HandleDamage function.
    • FireMode from RPGStatsInv::OverrideFireRate function.
    • MoveTarget from ScriptedSmartBrute::RangedAttack function.
    • Controller from DWScriptedMonster::TakeDamage function.
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will.


DW Clan Member
Posts: 2677
Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:00 pm
Location: North Carolina

A hotfix is applied today.
  • Implosion no longer gives XP credit for over killing monsters. When a monster is killed, XP is given to based on the damage needed to slay monsters instead.
  • Removed Lucifer from the player monster roster.
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will.


DW Clan Member
Posts: 2677
Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:00 pm
Location: North Carolina

Monster Evolution is updated!
To celebrate Monster Evolution's 10th anniversary, the server will be running a temporary 35% bonus xp multiplier!

ME RPG Expansion
  • New Rank III Necromancer ability: Frost Lich - Alters some of the poisoned skills to deal cold damage instead.
  • Immortality received several updates:
    • Immortality no longer respawns the Necromancer as a monster. Instead they will transform into a ghost form where they still have access to their weapons, minions, souls, and abilities even while 'dead'. However their weapon damage output is reduced by 75%.
    • While in ghost form, the Necromancer will still have access to other controls as if they're living. For example they can still interact with buttons, vehicles, and objectives.
    • Necromancers will automatically restore their form from a resurrection event.
    • Mana cost for Immortality is now 50, 25, 0 instead of 50 for all levels.
    • Immortality now costs 20 stats per level instead of 30, 20, 10 stat points.
    • Level 2 allows this ability to be used at most 3 times per life. Level 3 allows unlimited number of resurrections per life. Immortality will not activate if the Necromancer is slain while in ghost form.
    • Immortality is active even if the map allows for immediate resurrections (such as Jumpship and Dragon Tower).
    • Immortality no longer automatically casts regroup minions, unpetrify minions, ghosts of anguish, fatigue, and poison supremacy.
  • Increased Plague's base radius by 25%.
  • Poison Supremacy duration is now 120, 135, 150, 165, 180 seconds instead of 90, 100, 110, 120, 130 seconds.
  • Poison Supremacy poison damage output now applies for weapons with low damage output (such as flamethrowers and shotguns).
  • Fixed bug where the goop smoke particle FX for Poison Supremacy would not work online.
  • Reduced Summon Demons' base health by 10%. The ability health multipliers remain the same.
  • The curse ability error messages will now display regardless if it's a repeated message or not.
  • Fixed a bug related to abilities that draw to the hud (such as Necormancer souls, Mechanic metal, and Overcharge), where the hud elements would disappear if the player is resurrected before the previous character is killed.
  • Fixed client-side crash when the Mechanic hud attempts to reference a destroyed artifact.
  • Fixed bug in Blood Frenzy where it wouldn't assign the monster's super health max.
Monster Assault RPG
  • Supports can now summon an Ice Skaarj instead of a Skaarj Assassin.
  • Fury now drains 5 health per second per level instead of 7 health per second per level.
  • Removed mention of ignoring Berserker health in Fury ability description since the Berserk's health perk no longer exists.
  • Cry of Repulsion minimum cast interval is now 8 seconds instead of 3 seconds.
  • Cry of Repulsion now costs 20 mana instead of 40 mana.
  • Fixed bug in Recall where it could recall the space fighter's weapon if the player respawns before their ship explodes.
  • Fixed a bug related to abilities that draw to the hud (such as Personal Medkit, Adren Syringe, and Frenzy), where the hud elements will vanish if the player is resurrected before the previous character is killed.
Smart Monster Pack/Sample
  • Monsters no longer attack turrets that are on their team.
  • Fixed turret friendly fire against monsters.
  • Increased summon dragons' flying, swimming, and running speed by 50%.
  • Increased summon shrikes' running and swimming speed by 25%.
  • Summoned shrikes no longer crouch.
  • Increased summon waillord damage output by 15%.
  • Level designers can now specify which monsters can ignore threat.
  • Altered how monster skin replication works in order to support changing skins multiple times.
  • Slightly improved performance by only allowing spell casting monsters to clear spells when slain. This check is ignored for ordinary monsters.
DW Assault Mapper Tools
  • Added scripted Action_PlayTaunt - Allows level designers to invoke speech messages based on instigator or random players.
  • Added InvMonsterShield inventory item. This will allow level designers to place instanced shields for individual monsters rather than relaying on a global material switch.
  • Monster spawner's bClearSpellsWhenKilled now defaults to true. Unless the level designer told the spawner otherwise, curses will automatically expire when the caster is slain.
  • Monster jump spots can now be activated/deactivated via trigger system.
  • Level designers can now add inventory requirements to the PRIRelicCheck.
  • Fixed bug in AdvDWMonsterSpawner where if the spawner failed to find a spawn location and if the spawn interval is positive, it would disable the spawner. Instead it should only disable the spawner if the interval is 0 to avoid infinite checks. Positive intervals will allow the spawner to try again later.
  • Implemented DWSpaceFighters:
    • These spacefighters can target monsters and vehicles.
    • When ramming into a monster, the monster will most likely be killed, too.
    • Contains a global event: 'MEShipDestroyed' that is triggered every time a ship blows up.
  • Fixed bug where the free spectator camera could be on its side after viewing a space fighter.
  • Added internal counters for resurrection events.
New map: AS-Mothership!
First contact with the Skaarj came during the recovery of the prison transporter Vortex Rikers on Na Pali. Within a year the Skaarj had pushed humanity back to the brink of destruction. This scenario replicates the final battle for Earth, and the stunning victory by humans in the face of almost certain defeat. A Skaarj Mothership orbited the Earth, and rained death upon the planet in preparation for the final landing. In a daring suicide mission, the humans attacked the Skaarj Mothership in small one man fighters, hoping to exploit a flaw in the Mothership defenses their analysis had revealed.

Acatana is updated
  • The recommended player levels are now 115-175 instead of 135-250.
  • The experience multipliers based on level for damaging monsters are now 135-650 instead of 135-250
  • The experience multipliers based on level for completing objectives are now 135-500 instead of 135-250
  • The map now recommends 2-8 players instead of 8-12 players.
  • Changed camouflage meshes.
  • The engine component (space) objectives health is now 4000 instead of 5000.
  • Each space objective now provides 4 points instead of 5.
  • Added few air drones around each space objective.
  • Replaced space fighters with DWSpaceFighters to allow players to ram and target monsters.
  • Player movement abilities like Haste is restored after the players land their space fighters.
  • Added a one time 50 adrenaline pickup spawn on the pipe by the bridge.
  • Add flak weapons in outdoor lockers.
  • Sealed the gap between the bunker door and the ceiling.
  • Fixed occlusion bug in the defender spawn room where the sky would be revealed when standing on the other side of the room.
  • Replaced one way pathing through the shields in the defender spawn room with a two way path.
  • It is now a 2 way path through the bunker door and security gate objective.
  • Added jumpspots to the turret ledge across from the shield component objectives.
  • Added jumpspot to allow monsters jump from the upper ledge to the lower floor in the defender spawn room.
  • KR-Collision-Course music plays when the blueprints are picked up.
  • Add a few snipers in inner courtyard and at the sniper bunker.
  • Added turret ambush monsters
  • Players outside will forcibly teleport back to the spawn if they're outside by the time the blueprints are picked up.
  • 2-3 lucifers will spawn instead of 2-33 lucifers.
  • Lucifers' damage scaling is now 0.75 instead of 0.225
  • Lucifers' health multiplier is now 0.25 instead of 0.1.
  • Lucifers' scale size is now 0.67 instead of 0.5.
  • Lucifers' score multiplier is now 0.85 instead of 0.4.
  • Moved delivery objective on the landing pad instead of in front of it.
  • Replaced the weapon lockers and super shield spawn in hangar 1 with a redeemer locker.
  • Reduced terrain Z-fighting behind hangar 1.
  • Replaced the Krall, Elite Krall, Lesser Brute, Brute, Behemoth monsters in Hangar 1 with a new ambush.
  • Added monsters that spawn at the landing pad during the blueprint objective.
  • Due to the increased difficulty, the time record for Acatana has been reset.
Divine Fortress is updated
  • The extra weapons that spawns around the upper locker now spawn away from the locker to not interfere with Weapon Dispenser.
  • Displaced translocator weapon spawn to avoid Weapon Dispenser interference.
  • Moved the translocator from the door to the lower weapon locker.
  • Fixed bug where the floor sentinels could shoot themselves.
  • The cyber demon now has a protective electrical field where all hostiles will take continuous damage for standing near it.
  • Allied mercenaries will only spawn if there are 0-4 players to save bandwidth.
  • All monsters now ignore threat.
  • The defeat cutscene no longer snaps the camera back to the players. Instead it'll linger in the egg room during map voting.
  • Added link gun ammo to the other side of portal.
  • Moved pistol and minigun ammo where the new link ammo is located.
Heated Escort is updated
  • All monsters now ignore threat.
  • Each checkpoint now enables when at most 20 (instead of 10) monsters are alive within its radius.
  • Increased the shock air drone damage by 50%.
Monstership.jpg (158.29 KiB) Viewed 14104 times
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will.


DW Clan Member
Posts: 2677
Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:00 pm
Location: North Carolina

A hot fix is applied today.

DW Assault Mapper Tools
  • Fixed bug where cutscenes would cause spacefighter pilots to eject their seats.
  • Implemented Action_HealInstigator - This action allows level designers to heal players that started or continued the script sequence.
Smart Monster Pack
  • Fixed bug where xenomorphs (with custom melee attacks) can break after striking a target.
Mothership is updated
  • The allied ship now has two healing stations. Each of them provides 250 healing that respawns every 30 seconds.
  • For the infinite monsters in space, halved the number of monsters that can be alive at once.
  • Replaced one of the infinite shock air drone spawners with a rocket air drone.
  • The other infinite shock air drone spawner can be disabled when the giant coilbag is defeated.
  • Removed Beamwaillords from infinite spawner.
  • Player monsters are disabled during the space combat.
  • Fixed bug where the departure fighters would automatically take off at match start.
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will.


DW Clan Member
Posts: 2677
Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:00 pm
Location: North Carolina

Mothership is updated
  • XP multipliers from damaging monsters based on level are now 250-800 instead of 200-750.
  • XP multipliers from completing objectives based on level are now 200-700 instead of 150-650.
  • Recommended level range is now 150-400 instead of 135-350.
  • Added text hint regarding how to repair your ship at the healing stations at the start of the match.
  • Monsters' score values in space are now 0.5 instead of 0.35 (excluding infinite drones).
  • Fixed wedge spot between the pipes in the hangar.
  • Praetorians' damage scaling is reduced by 50%.
  • Added super shield and keg spawn stations on the link turret ledges.
  • Added items to reward players for completing a jumping puzzle.
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will.


DW Clan Member
Posts: 2677
Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:00 pm
Location: North Carolina

Monster Evolution is updated today!

General Changes
  • Increased Abyss XP multiplier by 10%.
  • Increased Divine Fortress XP multiplier by 10%.
  • Increased Heated Escort XP multiplier by 10%.
  • Increased Nocturne XP multiplier by 10%.
  • Explosive magic modifiers now amplifies shock rifle's combo radius.
  • Implosion's initial countdown no longer resets upon dying.
  • Implosion can no longer cost the team flawless victory.
  • Summon Spirits no longer give threat upon resurrecting the Paladin that summoned them. Extra threat is only given upon resurrecting an ally instead.
  • Supports now gain threat from summoning monsters (ratio is 1:4 for threat per mana cost ratio in relation to Energy Transfer's ratio).
  • The maximum number of summon Skaarj Troopers and Skaarj Snipers is now 2 instead of 1.
  • Maximum number of small razor flies a Support can summon is now 9 instead of 4 at max level.
  • Summoning small razor flies now costs 40 mana each instead of 50 mana each.
  • Summon Raptor now costs 260 mana instead of 310.
  • Cry of Repulsion cooldown is now 5 seconds instead of 8 seconds.
  • Rage weapons now reduce the wielder's health down to 30 instead of 15.
  • Changed ability icon for Berserker's Poison, Freezing, Raging, and Frenzy magic weapon makers.
  • Knockback strikes repeatedly if the victim's momentum is in the opposite direction of the effect. This only applies while the knockback effect is still applied. Negates on landing. This applies to Cry of Repulsion, Knockback weapons, and Cyclone Magii.
  • Ghost of Anguish stat point costs are now 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 (total 110) instead of 5 per level (total 50).
  • Death Ward stat point costs are now 5 per level (total 50) instead of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 (total 110).
  • The Immortality and Frost Lich Aura effects are no longer visible in first person view.
  • Fixed grammar in Frost Lich's ability description.
  • Revised Nali Fighter Controller to instruct them to stop targeting allies. Their AI is still broken though since this fix doesn't work in all cases.
  • Nali Fighters are now able to give chase after their target is not visible. This applies to weapon-wielding monsters.
  • The Summoned Shrike's and Summoned Advanced Shrike's base health is now 308 instead of 280.
  • The Summoned Gasbag's and Coilbag's base health is now at 297 instead of 270.
  • The Summoned Giant Gasbag's base health is now 865 instead of 787.
  • The Summoned Giant Coilbag's base health is now 440 instead of 400.
  • Increased Summoned Sliths' damage output by 10%.
  • Increased Summoned Skaarjs' damage output by 10%.
  • The Summoned Mini Queen's base health is now 942 instead of 857.
  • The Summoned Queen's base health is now 1885 instead of 1714.
  • Summon Grass titan's max health is now 8000 instead of 6000 at max level.
  • Summon titan's max health is now 6000 instead of 4000 at max level.
  • Grass titans (in turn their summoners) now gain credit for doing damage from the spider mines.
  • Grass titan mines no longer chase after allies.
  • Fixed bug where TeamProgressVolumes may incorrectly count the number of players when entering/leaving the volume via deployed turrets. The progress volumes now refresh the player count when players enter/leave the volume in case there are other ways to skip the counter.
  • Spectators no longer influence the monster strength and spawner conditions.
  • Allies can no longer shoot down friendly amril rockets.
  • Shock Drones in space should only appear if the average player level is above 150 and there are at least four players.
  • Increase Leaving Battle Field warning when flying too low.
  • Added a kill volume under the map for the monsters that glitch under the terrain.
  • Add a jumping puzzle to make the Fiendish cube easier to obtain during the four sentry objective. It's now possible to obtain without resorting to Kraken pulls, Sentry knockback, and land mines. Speed combo and amril rockets are still recommended for players without Haste and Power Jump.
  • Added a new sniper spawn at the jumping puzzle.
Dragon Tower
  • Monsters now ignore threat.
  • Disabled friendly fire for Nali Fighters.
  • Reduce medium end game XP by 150.
  • Friendly monsters can no longer capture points.
  • Reset map score records.
  • Reduced air drone in space visual range from 30,000 to 10,000.
  • Air drones in space no longer respond to stealth alerts.
  • Added infinite adrenaline and super health pickup at the beginning.
  • Multiple players nearby can now qualify for the relic rather than the one player that instigated it.
Torlan Evolution
  • Add Bio Rifle to the weapon lockers at checkpoints Alpha and Zeta.
  • Added Bio rifle to the relic requirements.
  • Replaced unused weapon spawn with a health keg spawn at the top of the center tower.
  • Removed mini health pack that's stuck in mid air.
  • Monsters defending point Alpha scoring values are now 0.4 instead of 0.2.
  • Monsters defending point Beta scoring values are now 0.45 instead of 0.25.
  • Monsters defending point Gamma scoring values are now 0.7 instead of 0.65.
  • Monsters defending point Delta scoring values are now 0.8 instead of 0.75.
  • The Hell Knights defending point Epsilon scoring values are now 0.8 instead of 0.5. The other monsters are already at 0.8.
  • Monsters defending point Zeta scoring values are now 0.95 instead of 0.6.
  • Monsters defending the power core scoring values are now 1 instead of 0.95.
  • Lucifer's scoring value is now 1.5 instead of 1.
  • End Game experience is now 600 instead of 800.
  • The experience multipliers from damaging monsters based on level are now 75-400 instead of 50-250.
  • Experience multipliers from completing objectives based on level are now 50-300 instead of 50-250.
  • The recommended level range is now 45-175 instead of 15-250.
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will.


DW Clan Member
Posts: 2677
Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:00 pm
Location: North Carolina

A hot fix is applied today.

  • Fixed bug where multiple skaarj warriors could not be summoned.
  • The threat reward for Supports summoning monsters is reduced by 50%.
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will.


DW Clan Member
Posts: 2677
Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:00 pm
Location: North Carolina

  • New Skill Menu is added! The Skill Menu allows the user to quickly access any of their abilities in a few key presses. Video:
  • The Skill Menu settings are added to the Ability Configuration Menu.
  • The Ability Configuration Menu now lists the ability's technical name in the panel. This is useful if there's a need to access this name for keybinding purposes.
  • The game now broadcasts completion time whenever the players achieved victory.
  • Added loading screen hints regarding canceling adrenaline combos and using the Skill Menu.
  • Revised other loading screen hints.

  • New Status bar! Buffs applied to your character are now displayed beneath the current objective.
  • Reloading weapons now gives threat. The threat value provides 57.14% value relative to max level Ammo Dump.
  • Fixed bug where threat is not given if the instigator is driving a vehicle or operating a turret.
  • Power Field can now replenish adrenaline to allies inside vehicles.
  • Power Field now provides threat every second while it's active instead of only giving threat when it's deactivated.
  • Fixed bug in Power Field where threat is not given if the user is inside a vehicle or enters a vehicle while it's active.
  • The following abilities can now be used inside vehicles:
    • Medkit
    • Life Burst
    • Sphere of Regeneration
    • Summon Spirit
    • Summon Guardian
    • Summon Oak Sage
    • Summon Specter
    • Regroup spirits
    • Anchor spirits
    • Desummon spirits
    • Ammo Dump
    • Energy Transfer
    • Summon Support Pets
    • Regroup Support summons
    • Anchor Support summons
    • Cry of Repulsion
  • RPGRules' damage handling now applies to injured pawns even if they don't have a controller (eg: Immortality resurrection and empty vehicles).
  • Player monsters now become temporarily invulnerable when slaying a berserker with Vengeance.
  • Added the following commands to Summon Spirit/Guardian/Oak Sage/Specter: "Select Regroup", "Select Desummon", "Select Anchor"
  • Added a help command for summon spirit abilities.
  • Added the following commands to Frenzy weapon maker: "Onslaught" and "Defense" to directly make those weapons without relying on its toggle.
  • Burning weapons now partially protects the user from damage types that are partial fire damage such as explosions.
  • Burning weapons no longer dynamically loads the damage type. Instead it statically loads it for performance.
  • Fixed error message when using Life Cord when inside a vehicle.

  • Necromancer's Wraith ability has changed. Instead of cursing the killer for a few minutes, it now temporarily keeps the Necromancer alive.
    • While Wraith is active, the Necromancer will stay alive for 10 seconds per level (max 40 seconds), do 10% damage per level, and fly.
    • Immortality will take priority over Wraith.
    • Resurrection events will not cancel Wraith.
    • The Necromancer is able to interact with objectives and buttons even while Wraith is active.
    • Entering vehicles while Wraith is active would kill the Necromancer immediately.
    • The stat cost for Wraith is now 12, 14, 16, 18 instead of 3, 5, 7, and 9 stat points. The 6 players that have Wraith will have to repurchase this ability. Stat points are refunded.
    • Wraith levels 3 and 4 now requires rank III instead of requiring rank II for all levels.
  • The Necromancer's Blood Frenzy ability has changed. Instead of healing all nearby allies upon death, it now saps life from all nearby monsters while Wraith is active (up to 8 targets every 5 seconds). For each stolen life will transfer to an ally for healing.
    • Blood Frenzy now requires Wraith to be able to purchase this ability.
    • Blood Frenzy no longer increases player monster maximum health by 12.5% per level.
    • Blood Frenzy no longer can heal allies beyond their max health.
    • Blood Frenzy stat point costs are now 6 per level instead of 4, 7, 10, 13. The 5 players that have Blood Frenzy will have to repurchase this ability. Stat points are refunded.
  • Summon Champions now require 3 souls and 50 mana instead of 5 souls and 70 mana.
  • The Necromancer is now able to see the health of their champions in the top left corner as if they're a summon.
  • Unnatural Shout can now heal all nearby drivers and passengers inside vehicles.
  • The following abilities can now be used inside vehicles:
    • Plague
    • Decay
    • Fatigue
    • Iron Maiden
    • Pierce Armor
    • Poison Supremacy
    • Poison Ward
    • All Necormancer Summons
    • Recall Minions
    • Unnatural Shout
    • Arcane Reclamation
    • Summon Sentry
    • Summon Sentinel
  • Recalling multiple sentries no longer stack the sound effects.
  • Mechanics are now able to summon lesser sentry types (basic and rockets) via AltActivateItem command.
  • Fire Ward and Chromatic weapons now partially protects the user from damage types that are partial fire damage such as explosions.
  • Fire Ward and Chromatic weapons no longer dynamically loads the damage type. Instead it statically loads it for performance.
  • Immortality no longer triggers if the Necromancer falls off in Convoy.
  • Immortality now provides the Necromancer invulnerability while it's resurrecting them, and a few seconds after resurrection.
  • Added a "force" option to summon skeletal mage to allow summoning the mage without the prompt to confirm usage even if a strong soul is used.
  • Added a "Select" option to summon skeletal mage to select the type without summoning the skeleton.
  • Fixed typo in "Summon Eletric Skeletal Mage".
  • Fixed bug in Summon Skeletal Mage where the soul forge cost message would display 1 soul instead of 2 souls.
  • Added "Minigun" and "Shock" commands to CraftTurret to select those turrets.
  • Added a "Help" command for Auto Turrets.
  • Added a "Fire", "Cold", and "Link" commands to Craft Auto Turrets to select those turrets.
  • Added a "Select Salvage" command to Craft Auto Turret to select the salvage turret mode.
  • Invoking "ToggleMovement" for Summon Sentry and Summon Sentinel now notifies the Mechanic what state the robots are in. That way they are no longer required to open the panels to identify if the robot will move or not.
  • Invoking "ToggleIgnoreEnemies" for Summon Sentinel now notifies the Mechanic what state the drone is in. That way they are no longer required to open the panel to identify if the drone will shoot or not.
  • Chromatic weapons and Skeletal Mage Fire Shield no longer launches fireballs towards attackers if the damage type is retaliation.

  • Implemented InvSturdy - Allows level designers to customize the amount of knockback applied to a customized monster. By default, it'll negate all knockback.
  • DWProximityTriggers can now trigger its event if the encroaching player does NOT have the specified inventory item.
  • Implemented HuntingProjectile - base class for a projectile that chases after players. Level designers will need to extend from this projectile to apply monster-specific properties.
  • Fixed bug where Triggering a DWTeleporter would teleport all touching actors regardless if the author configured a class constraint.

  • Fixed crash when summoned skaarj troopers and summoned skaarj sniper fight against an enemy with retaliation.
  • Fixed rare server-side recursion crash related to monsters fighting invalid targets. This also requires an update to the MonsterAssaultRPG to apply to FriendlyMonsterControllers, too.
  • Fixed missing texture for Vagary summoning effect.
  • Fixed the monsters' waiting animation for single player games. This is already working for multiplayer games.

  • Fixed bug where the mech titan would disappear whenever their shield pops up.

New Map: AS-Geothermal!
Shot00364.jpg (136.43 KiB) Viewed 12721 times
A demonic presence has infiltrated this power station capable of harvesting energy from the magma beneath the crest. The faculty managed to seal the exits and trap them inside.
A task force is sent to clear the facility from the hostiles, enter the core, and remove the obstruction that's throttling the current.
By doing so, the power plant can resume operations... hopefully.

New Map: AS-Glacier!
GlacierPreview.jpg (158.3 KiB) Viewed 12721 times
In one of the most daring acts of the mostly covert Corporation Wars, Izanagi Corporation's research facility on Lamdon 3 was raided and destroyed by a strike force from the Axon Research Corporation, despite the protection offered by the elite NEG ThunderCrash force. This scenario recreates that mission. Axon was able to not only destroy the facility, but also retrieve the advanced plasma ion tank under development there. You must infiltrate the facility, steal the plasma ion tank, and destroy the entire facility.

Convoy is updated
  • The skaarj beside the opening doors (when leaving the center truck) no longer react to stealth alerts.
  • The doors inside the center vehicle now open one-by-one to scatter the monster ambush instead of swarming the players with all monster spawns. The door closest to the switch still opens immediately for the relic.
  • Closed the ceiling hatch in the center vehicle, preventing players from taking damage from the air strike fire when jumping up too high.
  • Added secret adrenaline spawn.
  • The snipers on the center vehicle no longer responds to stealth alerts, preventing them from ambushing the players inside the center vehicle too early.
  • Added a new sniper in the beginning area.
  • Added a Rocket Launcher secret.
  • Increase level limit range for xp gained from monsters from 80-250 to 175-400
  • Increase level limit range for xp gained from objectives from 80-175 to 115-300

Divine Fortress is updated
  • The beginning level limits for damaging monsters is now from levels 150-450 instead of 0 to 0. This is restored back to 0 after the introduction.
  • Intro monsters' score multipliers are now 0.5 instead of 0.25.
  • Giant mantas in the beginning score multiplier is now 0.4 instead of 0.1.
  • Players now spawn with shield gun, shock rifle, linke gun, minigun, sniper rifle, and amril instead of just shield gun and link gun.
  • Added an ammo cache at each of the gate controls.
  • Replaced Advanced shrikes with normal shrikes at the beginning.
  • Fixed bug where the titan would spawn instead of the Emperor. There are now three possible bosses to spawn after the gates: Titan, Emperor, and Ion Dragon.
  • The max number of minions alive at once after the gate is now 16 instead of unlimited to reduce lag during combat.
  • Fixed navigation for flying monsters in the beginning area.
  • Increased the monster size in the beginning escort area.
  • The berserk hunters' vehicle resistance in the escort area is now 5%
  • The berserk hunters' health is reduced by 50%.
  • The berserk hunters in the escort area are no longer flagged as bosses.
  • Vehicles can now crush skaarj in the beginning escort area.
  • Bonus experience is now given whenever the beginning area is cleared from monsters (no more than 15 hostile monsters alive). The base experience is 300 (not including map score multipliers, cutscene experience, and resurrection XP). Dead players are granted full experience. The score requirement for this experience is -5 to 100. If you have 50 experience by the time this trigger is hit, you would get roughly half the experience reward.
  • 100 adrenaline is also awarded for clearing the intro area.
  • Fixed bug where one of the blocking volumes is inside-out, which allowed vehicles to leave the escort perimeter area.
  • Fixed collision hole near the escort destination spot, preventing players from leave the escort perimeter area.

Jumpship is updated
  • Removed Krall used to spawn player monsters (since spectator cameras can't view the krall anymore anyways).
  • Reduced the progress volume to start the map from 75% to 35%.
  • The trigger to skip the cutscenes is now a console in the starter room. First 50% of the team is required to reach the terminal. Once there, press [USE] to confirm skipping cutscenes.
  • The skip cutscenes trigger can now be activated even if the map already started.
  • Disabled the player monster triggers in the elemental tutorial room.
  • High levels are now able to fight in the elemental tutorial room.
  • Trimmed some of the verbose text during cutscenes and console messages.
  • Fixed some grammar errors.
  • The middle skaarj lord in the bridge is no longer animating pushing buttons since they're not operating a computer.
  • Fix tentacles where they never fought back.
  • Sliths can now be damaged in the corrosive water in the elemental tutorial room.
  • Added Necromancer and Mechanic summaries to the class tutorial.
  • Replaced hostile player monster tutorial with friendly player monster tutorial.
  • Replaced hostile player monster conditions tutorial with DWMenu hint.
  • Replaced hostile player monster resurrection tutorial with EZ map suggestions.
  • Replaced external sources tutorial with general tips and tricks.
  • For the fire monster wave, each monsters' resistances are now 35% physical, 100% fire, -150% cold, 0% lightning, 0% poison instead of 80% physical, 100% fire, -200% cold, 50% lightning, 50% poison.
  • For the lightning wave, each monsters' resistances are now 35% physical, 0% fire, 0% cold, 100% lightning, 0% poison instead of 67% physical, default fire, default cold, 100% lightning, default poison.
  • For the cold wave, each monsters' resistances are now 35% physical, -150% fire, 100% cold, 0% lightning, 0% poison instead of 67% physical, -50% fire, 100% cold, 50% lightning, 50% poison.
  • For the final wave, the arctic slith's resistances are now 35% physical, -150% fire, 100% cold, 0% lightning, 0% poison instead of 67% physical, -50% fire, 100% cold, 50% lightning, 50% poison.
  • For the final wave, the forgotten's resistances are now 35% physical, 100% fire, -150% cold, 0% lightning, 100% poison instead of 67% physical, 100% fire, -50% cold, 50% lightning, 100% poison.
  • For the final wave, the sawyer's resistances are now 35% physical, 0% fire, 0% cold, 0% lightning, 100% poison instead of 50% physical, -50% fire, default cold, 50% lightning, 100% poison.
  • For the final wave, the sentry's resistances are now 50% physical, 0% fire, 0% cold, -150% lightning, 100% poison instead of 80% physical, default fire, default cold, -200% lightning, 50% poison.
  • For the final wave, the electric slith's resistances are now 35% physical, 0% fire, 0% cold, 100% lightning, 0% poison instead of 67% physical, default fire, default cold, 100% lightning, 50% poison.
  • Fixed various gaps in walls in the halls leading to the elemental tutorial room.
  • Fixed Z-fighting in some of the wall panels leading up to the elemental tutorial room.
  • KR-Chemical-Burn music now plays during the final section of the map.
  • Fixed spawner conflict at the last objective where some of the spawners prevented others from spawning their monsters.
  • Added two more monsters guarding the final objective.

Mothership is updated
  • Fixed collision wedge where monsters could get wedge between the door and wall to the hangar.
  • The Praetorian damage scaling is now 45% instead of 55%.
  • Praetorian shields should reduce damage 80% instead of making them invulnerable.
  • The starting number of ships is now 21 instead of 15.

Nocturne is updated
  • Added another shield spawn at the beginning.
  • Added a progress volume in the beginning in the subway. Requires at least 49% of the team there. Automatically opens after 40 seconds.
  • The Rhinog's and Stryker's damage multiplier in the beginning is now 90% instead of 100%.
  • The monsters in the beginning in the subway now provides experience.
  • The level limit xp multipliers for damaging monsters are now 190-425 instead of 200-320
  • Removed dinosaur player monsters
  • Fixed navigation through the door leading to the Control Room from the minigun spawn area.

Simulation is updated
  • 50 xp is given after completing the first easy game.
  • Healing and adrenaline are provided between each mini game.
  • 100 xp is given after completing the first medium game.
  • 150 xp is given after completing the first two hard games.
  • Replaced space marines with skaarj in the first hard game.
  • The skaarj speed in the first hard game is 67%.
  • The skaarj health in the first game is 35%.
  • Added flying path nodes to allow aerial monsters to take shortcuts.

Temple Run is updated
  • Added a new secret that would force the warlord ambush.
  • The flak and lightning gun ammo now respawn in 3 minutes instead of never respawning.
  • The minimum number of players required for the raptors to spawn is now 4 instead of 6.
  • Replaced Raptors with shrikes.

Use of Weapons Level 3 is updated
  • Replace Minigun Turrets with DWMinigun Turrets
  • The PlayerMonster token secret is no longer accessible ever since the spectator camera changes applied last year. Instead the player monster token secret is now activated upon completing all optional objectives.
  • New vehicles now approach the main vehicle. Extra monsters will jump off these vehicles to ambush the players. Some monsters may fail to make the jump. These monsters do not count towards the wave.
  • Increased rotation speed for the skybox to allow it to animate on systems with a high frame rate. It now rotates at 500 uu instead of 150 uu (The player's frame rate must be below 500 to see this).
  • Fixed bug where there's a skybox within a skybox (causing it to render multiple layers of terrain spinning in opposite directions).
  • Reduced fog intensity in the skybox, making the clouds visible and see more of the terrain.
  • Fixed bug in sky box where the outer clouds were invisible due to lighting (made the clouds unlit).
  • Added lighting to sky terrain.
  • Repositioned the sky zone info to be on the inner terrain part instead of being placed outside the terrain.
  • The experience multipliers from damaging monsters based on level are now 125-325 instead of 80-230.
  • The experience multipliers from completing objectives based on level are now 75-200 instead of 60-145.
  • The recommended level range is now 50-140 instead of 30-90
  • Misc player monsters are now enabled
  • If the average level is 0-50: All players are granted regeneration that replenishes health by 3 per second. This is removed whenever the average level jumps beyond this threshold.
  • If the average level is 0-75: There is a teleporter under the vehicle that teleports players back on board. This is disabled whenever the average level jumps beyond this threshold.
  • Extended the tumbling rock emitter life span so they disappear behind the vehicle instead of in front of it.
  • Increased the speed of the tumbling rocks to match the vehicle speeds.
  • Relic now requires 60 monsters to be knocked off instead of 40.
  • The pickups are no longer floating.
  • The damage type for falling off the vehicle is now 'Fell' damage type instead of None.

Use of Weapons Level 4 is updated
  • Replace minigun Turrets with DWMinigunTurrets
  • Fixed bug where the island objective could be skipped. The gate to the next objective now opens when the island objective is completed instead of when the island is reached. This prevents the map from being soft-locked at the end.
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will.


DW Clan Member
Posts: 2677
Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:00 pm
Location: North Carolina

A hot fix is applied today.

  • When regrouping summons, the pawn's rotation is considered for the orientation instead of the controller's rotation. When in a vehicle, the controller's rotation is used still.

  • When summoning a Necro minion, the pawn's rotation is considered instead of the controller's rotation. When in a vehicle, the controller's rotation is considered still.

  • The player monster Sabaoth BFG fire rate is now once per 2 seconds, which is the same as the AI Sabaoth fire rate.

  • Fixed log spam warning involving the InvDWSpawnProtection.

Glacier is updated
  • Fixed bug where other weapons are able to disable the cyber demon shield.
  • Fixed wedge spot between locker mesh and snow pile at the spawn. It's on the side of the weapon locker.
  • Added invisible vehicle ramp to the platform near the exit of the second dam to make it easier for the Ion Tank to traverse over it.
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will.


DW Clan Member
Posts: 2677
Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:00 pm
Location: North Carolina

A hot fix is applied today.

  • Summoned Skaarj Troopers and Summoned Skaarj Snipers no longer retaliate when taking magic damage types.

  • When Supports summon monsters on foot, the camera angle's pitch is ignored when determining the summon's location. When summoning monsters when inside the vehicle, the camera angle's pitch is considered when determining the summon's location.

Glacier is updated
  • The cyber demon's proximity damage is now elemental damage instead of lightning damage preventing this damage type from being resisted.
  • Increased aggression of Cyber demon to attack from where it stands.
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will.


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