Change Logs

Anything and everything related to the Evolution server.
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DW Clan Member
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Change logs as of Feb 25, 2012:

  • Wait time to spawn as a player monster is immediately applied as soon as a player connects/reconnects to the server.
  • Killing 0 score monsters (such as Nali Cows, infinite monsters, friendly monsters) will not grant you adrenaline for the kill.
  • The full-health message for casting booster message is removed if you're in a vehicle (reduce message spam).
  • There is no waiting penalty to respawn as another player monster if you died as a 0 score monster (such as Nali Rabbit and Ghost monsters).
  • All player monsters now have health regeneration.
  • Message Spammer to display server rules is now active.
  • New welcome music.
  • Revised player monster system in an attempt to fix spectator glitch.
  • Game Rules setup for the Isolated Combat Zone which will be introduced in the new map.
  • Suicide as a dedicated monster will no longer get you negative kills. You will keep losing kills per suicide down to 0 kills (lowest).
  • Added Lucifer Classic to DWMonsterRoster.ini
  • Player monster wait time reduced by 25%.
  • Player monster roster requirements is revised. Type in ZooHelp in console for details.
  • Level protection is now a range rather than a threshold. Range is currently set from 20-75 where below 20 is nearly immune to player monsters, and 75 is at full damage.
  • Spawnable pickups (such as Medkits, Ammo Dump, and adren pills) now expire. They will disappear 2 minutes after their spawn time. They will become invisible for the last 12 seconds, then get destroyed.
  • Summoned Mantas now have fatter collision.
  • Summoned Titans deal limited damage in response to titan's new aggression.
  • Client's adjust max ammo code optimized for performance.
  • AuraFX is enabled for donators. A few accounts are already wearing some of these FX for demonstration purposes.
  • Player monsters now ignore weapon masteries
  • Adrenaline from Adrenaline Surge ability will no longer give adrenaline for killing 0 score monsters.
  • Healing from Life Siphon and Berserker's perk will not be granted for damaging/killing 0 score monsters.
  • Poison weapon's damage intervals increased
  • Protective's threat level in general is more effective.
  • Spawnable pickups (Medkits, Ammo Dump, and Adrenaline) now reference the controller instead of the pawns. This fixes the message from disappearing even if the caster entered a vehicle or died.
  • Adrenaline Syringe artifact will not refresh after the owner died. The amount used will be transfer to player's next life.
  • The Adrenaline Syringe's quantity has been doubled.
  • Activate sounds for Personal Medkit, Ammo Pouch, and Adrenaline Syringe is no longer localized. Other players may hear you use it.
  • Max level for Summon Warlord: Max health is set to 1k.
  • Lucky Weapon's new max modifier is now 8. Old Lucky Weapon's +6 modifier > new Lucky Weapon's +6 modifier.
  • Adrenaline pills from Energy Transfer will lose its power as soon as the caster disconnects from the server.
  • Energy Leech's effectiveness is adjusted based on player's health. Less health => less adren. Same as Berserker's damage perk.
  • Sacrifice will remove itself if the caster dies before the explosion.
  • Berserker's weapon masteries will not apply to their Shout, Retaliation, nor Sacrifice abilities.
  • Added Authoritative Keeper ability in misc abilities.
    Authoritative Keeper => you do less damage towards your own monster summons.
  • Regrouping artifact now tells the teleported monsters to find a new enemy.
  • Experience triggers should now work to dead players and to players inside vehicles.
  • Added Experienced Healing ability for Protective's healing weapon.
  • Field Medic now requires Loaded Medic.
  • Spirit will always kill itself if the owner suicides.
  • The Spirit will kill itself regardless of owner's distance.
  • DWScriptedMonsters are more agile. They will more more frequently when taking damage.
  • Custom attacks for Satore, BioBud, and Lucifer monsters are ready for the mapper to set these properties.
  • Prepivot is adjusted on the monster's scaling for the following packages: OSM, Satore, BioBuds, Dinotopia, and Dragons.
  • Dragons now have guided projectiles.
  • Revised scoring value for MiscMonsterPackINIv3 monsters.
  • Player monster Monsta will drain health per projectile to reduce spamming. Summoning requirements for Monsta is reduced.
  • DWScriptedMonsters are now resistant to elemental attacks from other DWScriptedMonsters (for Monster vs Monster combat)
  • Reduce Metroid damage towards vehicles. They now do normal damage to vehicles as if they are attacking an on foot player.
  • Doom monsters should not attempt to lunge towards a target that is miles away.
  • Cherub is immune to fall damage.
  • Doom monsters and Dinosaurs cannot be crushed by vehicles.
  • Reduced guided projectiles for Lucifer.
  • Reduced Brute's experience value.
  • Summoned monsters (such as Gasbags from GiantGasbags, Lost Souls from Maledicts, monsters from Archviles) are considered 0 score monsters. No adren, exp, healing bonuses from damaging them.
  • Warlords.bOwnerNoSee = true. Hopefully this means that we can have human controlled Warlords soon.
  • Mantas are more aggressive. They should cause more pain.
  • Chestbursters now deal double damage.
  • Dinosaurs are still melee creatures if they don't have a projectile class. . . even if the mapper told them that they are ranged creatures.
  • Doom and Ice Lords deal more damage.
  • Doom and Ice Lords are immune to their own attacks.
  • New feature is added to Dragons. You'll see the new feature on the new map coming up next weekend.
  • Titans are much more aggressive. They'll be throwing rocks a lot more frequently.
  • Team Progress Volume now works.
  • MonsterAttacks category is hidden from BasicMonsterSpawner.
  • Vehicles are locked during cutscenes to prevent the camera glitch when you're in a turret after a cutscene plays.
  • Action_ClearTransDiscs now have an option to clear spider mines, too.
  • Lurve Dragons will not heal monsters of opposite alignment.
  • Iron Maiden's effectiveness reduced by 50%.
  • Added distance property to monster spawner so that the mapper may choose which spawn points the monster may spawn at in relevance to the nearest player's distance.
  • Old Effigy and Alien system files have been deleted to reduce download time.
  • AS-ChocoWars is live!
  • AS-DivineFortress is updated.
  • AS-NanoClean is updated.
  • AS-TempleRun returned.
  • AS-TorlanEvolution is updated.
  • AS-UseofWeaponsLevel2 is updated.
Last edited by DW_Ant on Sun Feb 26, 2012 3:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will.


1337 Haxor
Posts: 156
Joined: Sun Apr 04, 2010 3:46 pm

Thanks for the hard work Ant.

Some very nice and useful changes in the new version such as the regen for monster players, weaker iron maiden, the fixes so players can't switch and use adren from other chars, time limit on pickups (no more running back half a map to get your own adren from 30mins ago^^), experienced healing, auto aim on dragons (pretty sure that will require a nerf on the pet as soon as someone gets it) and the changes to the syringe.

Stuff I don't like, well you know it :) and how are the percentages on this one please?
"Energy Leech's effectiveness is adjusted based on player's health. Less health => less adren. Same as Berserker's damage perk."
half adren for half the hp? or rank based? And if berserker and support now have something like that, where is the one for the protective? less adren for damage if you have a lot of hp maybe?
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Azmodan wrote:(pretty sure that will require a nerf on the pet as soon as someone gets it)
Yes, the summon dragons deal 75% less damage than before now that they can hit stuff. Definite possibility that they'll go through another nerf once we see them live.
Azmodan wrote:Stuff I don't like, well you know it :) and how are the percentages on this one please?
"Energy Leech's effectiveness is adjusted based on player's health. Less health => less adren. Same as Berserker's damage perk."
half adren for half the hp? or rank based? And if berserker and support now have something like that...
Range for the modifier is from 50% - 105% (can't get lower nor higher).
The ratio is 2:1 (Every 2% health change => 1% modifier change).

Azmodan wrote:where is the one for the protective? less adren for damage if you have a lot of hp maybe?
We have not decided what to do with the Protective's effectiveness based on condition yet. Healing others and self basing it on health seems to be useless (maxed modifier for healing is useless since you're already maxed on health). We were thinking about having the Protective's gain adren for taking damage perk to be affected based on Protective's health, but the skill doesn't seem to be very significant compare to Berserk's Life Siphon or Support's Energy Transfer.

Another thing I got to fix is the DWAssaultMapperTools download. For some reason the redirect doesn't like it. I'll have to do some investigation tonight to see what's up.
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not in the lack of knowledge,
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1337 Haxor
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DW_Ant wrote: Another thing I got to fix is the DWAssaultMapperTools download. For some reason the redirect doesn't like it. I'll have to do some investigation tonight to see what's up.
Yeah loved it how it downloaded 180% of that package
DW_Ant wrote: Range for the modifier is from 50% - 105% (can't get lower nor higher).
The ratio is 2:1 (Every 2% health change => 1% modifier change).
So if I did the math right it means at 0 HP i only leech 50% the adren of monsters and at start HP i do 100% and if i booster up to 10% over start HP (440 when start HP was 400) I even get 105%. I still don't get the logic why you thought of that in the first place but it seems like a change that'll spice stuff up a bit (gotta buy more shield now :sclapping: )
Oh yeah one more question, does it only work on the nrg per shot stuff or on the kill related adren too?

And one last thing, why does the Pet-Master only get 3 lvl of the "not hurt my pet" stuff but the
Spirit-Summon-Dude gets invulnerable pets?
DW Clan Member
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Azmodan wrote:So if I did the math right it means at 0 HP i only leech 50% the adren of monsters and at start HP i do 100% and if i booster up to 10% over start HP (440 when start HP was 400) I even get 105%. I still don't get the logic why you thought of that in the first place but it seems like a change that'll spice stuff up a bit (gotta buy more shield now :sclapping: )
The Berserkers were too independent. They did not need healing due to perk and Life Siphon. We want the Berserkers to be more team dependent. So we added the damage perk to influence Berserkers to be more vocal for healing.
Of course the Berserkers thought that's unfair, and there reasoning is justified. We applied the modifier to the Support in response. Once we decide on an ability to modify for the Protective, we'll most likely do the same.

Azmodan wrote:Oh yeah one more question, does it only work on the nrg per shot stuff or on the kill related adren too?
Only for Energy Leech. Adrenaline Surge is untouched.

Azmodan wrote:And one last thing, why does the Pet-Master only get 3 lvl of the "not hurt my pet" stuff but the
Spirit-Summon-Dude gets invulnerable pets?
Support players cannot purchase the last level to save the trouble from wasting their points on the last level. Summoned pets already have resistances. The last level is useless to them since they are immune even at level 3. The spirits do not have resistances, and Protectives need to purchase the last level to make the spirits immune to their owner.

Note: If you have a low level summon monster, then they may not be immune to its owner since its resistances is not high enough.
The difference between successful people from others is
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not in the lack of knowledge,
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1337 Haxor
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so 2 lvl would be enough for a queen? Well got annoyed for nothing then :sgiggle:
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Changes from March 25, 2012:

  • Vehicle Mastery is divided into two abilities:
    Vehicle Mastery only amplifies vehicle damage increases 10% per level.
    Vehicle Vitality (Support only: Rank IV): increases vehicle hp 5% per level.
  • New ability: Trans Mechanic (Support only: Rank I) - repairs all nearby translocators. This ability increases your threat level if you repaired a translocator that's not your own.
  • Level 1 Weapon Smith now requires Rank II.
  • Berserker's damage perk based on hp is listed in class's description.
  • Fury damage's description mentions that the ability ignores the Berserker's damage based on health perk.
  • Energy Leech's description mentions that the effectiveness of this ability is influenced on the player's current health.
  • Loaded Medic's effectiveness is now influenced on the shooter's health.
  • Added "per kill" in Berserker's class description to explain that they receive health and shield per kill.
  • Support class's threat level will not increase if another Support character picks up an adrenaline pill from Energy Transfer.
  • Protective class will gain at least 1 adrenaline for taking damage.
  • Enhanced Armor's damage taken to adrenaline is now at a 1:5 ratio.
  • Max level for Field Medic is 3.
  • Life Burst for Field Medic is now 75 hit points per level.
  • Summon mantas are at 75% of their default health instead of 33%. Their fatter collision remains.
  • Vengeance will destroy itself if the Berserker leaves the server/spectates before the explosion.
  • The Berserker is not required to kill a monster to trigger the Vengeance ability.
  • Spirits will not destroy translocators.
  • Revised player monster roster.
  • Invisibility adrenaline combo cost increased by 250%.
  • Monsters become more alert towards players that kill monsters frequently. (example: activating invisibility initially make the player invisible. If the player kills a monster, the player becomes more visible to other monsters.)
  • Invisibility combo gradually decreases player's visibility if the player decides to kill a few monsters while going invis.
  • Teleport console command and DWMenu's teleport button for player monsters are removed.
  • Old player monster spawning algorithm is removed. It is mandatory to position your spectator camera to your spawn point now.
  • When riding dragons, the dragon's projectile's velocity is added based on the dragon's current velocity.
  • Sliths' special resistances are removed:
    -no longer immune to mine layer
    -Extra damage from flak and rockets now directly relate to the slith's resistances rather than stacking the amplified damage with special resistances/weaknesses.
  • As a consequence of removing the RPG dependencies, the SmartMonsterPack now references the new RPG rather than the traditional one. They can now reference the RPG weapon from the new RPG.
    -Rage weapons deal fire damage
    -Energy weapons deal lightning damage
    -Freezing weapons deal cold damage
    -Poison weapons deal ... well ... poison damage
    -Piercing weapons cannot be resisted (just like Berserker's Shout)
    (examples: An arctic slith is immune to a Freezing Flamethrower, and an electric dragon is vulnerable to poison lightning gun.)
  • Patched animations for dragons.
  • Dragons will no longer shoot fire balls while idling.
  • Player monster Kralls shoots faster.
  • Dinotopia monsters revised to reduced crashing.
  • Deleted the following files:
  • Sounds, static meshes, animations, and texture files for these system files are removed.
  • Removed old RPG dependencies from all monster packs. The following packages are updated:

Changes from March 25, 2012:

  • Players will not gain adrenaline when a Protective is healing them with a Healing weapon.
  • Protectives will not gain adrenaline when they shoot a Berserker with Retaliation ability.
  • Berserkers will not gain health or shield when shooting killing a monster with a Rage weapon.
The difference between successful people from others is
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DW Clan Member
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Changes from April 25, 2012

Major RPG changes:
Level cap is now set at 200. Reasoning: one of the major issues we've been encountering during testing (offline and online and even during live play) is that the level gaps are becoming too great to make it an enjoyable experience for low levels. Low levels will have to wait a very long time while they watch a level 200+ character solo the map (even with the piercing factor included, it's still possible to solo rank III maps if all abilities and attributes were purchased).
Another reason for the level cap: Monster Evolution is about team collaboration and tactics. Setting a limit on the number of items you can purchase forces you to carefully select which abilities you want and how to structure your build. Your character will become more unique than any other character. As for the team collaboration part, team collaboration quickly diminishes if the characters are self reliable. If a Protective can have maxed healing and tanking abilities, why would they need Support's summons to help them to tank, or why would they need Berserker's offensive abilities if they can quickly replenish health. I'll restate that setting a level limit forces the all characters to choose which perfection they want to be rather than having it all.

Because of this, I'm offering a free service to any rank IV players. You can have your account reset while keeping your levels. Your weapon masteries, ranking, and stats will remain. Only abilities and attributes will reset. Abilities that prevents you from purchasing other abilities (such as a class or Summoning root) will remain after the reset. This will only work for Monster Evolution. This offer expires May 9th (that's two weeks after the update).
To send a request, send me an email at

Berserkers have specialization:
They have a new ability called Perpetuating Soul. This ability introduces serenity in a Berserker's lifestyle. In short this will generally increase your defenses for exchange of some offense.
-You may potentially gain an extra life if you die before the person that possesses your life reserve dies.
-Your offense decreases 10% for 10% extra defense.
-Berserker's healing and shield regeneration perk per kill will double its efficiency. Note: Berserker's healing and shield regeneration perk has been halved from previous version. This ability recovers that.
-You can purchase the last three levels in Life Siphon.
-Prevents you from purchasing the last five levels in Trigger Happy.

Purchasing level 11 Trigger Happy will prevent you from purchasing Perpetuating Soul.

Reasoning for this: Just like the other two classes, I'm forcing the Berserkers to carefully choose their perfection/specialty.

  • New ability: Implosion for Support rank IV.
  • New ability: Vigor for Support rank III.
  • New ability: Perpetuating Soul for Berserk rank II.
  • New ability: Monster Vitality for player monsters.
  • New ability: Monster Resistances for player monsters.
  • New ability: Amplify Damage for player monsters.
  • New weapon modifier: Burning Weapons. Deals extra fire damage (1%-2% per modifier). Protects you from pure fire damage (10% per modifier). Overwrites weapon type, you weapon will deal pure fire damage. Modifier range: 1-8.
  • Sacrifice's charge FX will destroy itself when player suicides or enters a vehicle before the explosion.
  • Spirits, Companion Sacrifice, or Perpetuating Soul abilities will not work if player suicides by typing in suicide in console or becoming a dedicated monster.
  • Level cap is now 200.
  • Due to level cap, HighestLevelPlayer is removed from server details.
  • Resurrection events will give experience to players in vehicles.
  • Vengeance charge will destroy itself if player is on blue team (becoming dedicated monster).
  • Experience Trigger now requires players to get some experience points to gain points (prevents idlers from gaining easy experience). These values may be adjusted by the mapper.
  • Awards such as Critical Player and Last Man Standing ignores player monsters.
  • Freeze weapon's slow effect is at 50% efficiency.
  • You must have at least 5 points to gain resurrection events bonus even if you are already alive.
  • Summon raptors are now doing 50% damage instead of 67%.
  • Damage weapons now deal 5% per modifier instead of 10%.
  • Since damage weapons have been reduced, Infinite weapons now deal 2% extra damage per modifier instead of 5%.
  • You must be on the ground to cast Armor Supremacy or High Metabolism.
  • Sacrifice does not work in vehicles.
  • You cannot cast Life Cord on monsters.
  • Summon Spector will not resist physical damage.
  • Life Cord damage ratio ranges from 0.5 - 3 instead of 1 - 3. Protectors also gain threat for taking damage for the other player instead of just casting the spell.
  • Summon spirits have dynamic threat level based on ability level.
  • Reduced cost for Enhanced Adrenaline Pickups (startingCost = 2, CostAddPerlevel = 1)
  • Berserker's healing and regenerate shield per kill perk will recognize the player's rank when riding vehicles.
  • Berserker's healing and regenerate shield per kill perk is reduced in half. You may get back to full strength by purchasing the Perpetuating Soul ability.
  • Berserker must get Perpetuating Soul to purchase the last three levels in Life Siphon.
  • The inventory item that gives you temporary god mode after being resurrected by a spirit or a companion: you will lose your god mode when you enter a vehicle.
  • Damage cap for Berserker's retaliation is 100 per hit. So that one-shot kill monsters don't kill themselves.
  • Poison resistant monsters can resist the poison damage from poison weapons.
  • Removed MP5 from weapon mastery description.
  • Berserker's Fury damage + double damage from pickup will result in amplified hp and adrenaline cost. Current modifier is X3.
  • You cannot see your aura effects while being in first person view.
  • Berserker's sacrifice will spawn a particle effect for every monster that was affected within the field.
  • Protective's Enahnced Health Pickup ability now references the Summoned Medkit's current healing amount rather than the Medkit's default value.
  • Medkits are now green.
  • The following abilities have new artifact icons: Summon Spector, Life Burst, Healing Sphere, Cry of Repulsion, Medic Weapon Maker, Infinite Weapon Maker, Reloading Weapon Maker, Weapon Enchantment, Weapon Forger, Enhanced Armor, Summoning artifacts, and general Weapon Makers. These icons are imported from MM's DWRPG.
  • Trans mechanic visuals now works online.
  • Extra Health ability has been removed.
  • RequiredRankings array is now implemented in PromoteRanking ability's defaults. Although this doesn't do anything, it looks good.
  • Experience Triggers no longer gives experience to dedicated monsters.
  • Adrenaline pills summoned from a Support character will consider if it should disappear or not if another Support character picks it up. Fixes the "Lost Energy" issue.

  • Player monsters will not resurrect themselves if they kill a nonliving player (ie: team killing other player monsters)
  • Summoned pet's death message will broadcast which monster was killed. Example: "A Summoned Spirit was killed."
  • Player monsters can no longer spawn too high in the air.
  • When playing as a Player Monster, the teleport button is back. You can use it as long as a player did not recently hit you.
  • New monster: DWSkeleton. These may be found in Serephim Falling.
  • New monster: Advanced Sentry. Higher resistances, more health, nearly hitscan projectiles, and higher score value. These appear in a darker skin.
  • Skaarj Snipers' range increased by 60%.
  • DWScriptedMonsters' custom attacks may now guide towards its enemy as long as the projectile class has a Seeking property.
  • Mappers may configure custom attacks for Xenomorphs (excluding the you want the egg to cast curses, teleport, or fire rockets?)
  • Xenomorph's eggs now have 0 scoring value (gain no xp by damaging these).
  • Dragons no longer have pain animations.
  • Moles are quiet when they emerge.
  • Player monster chest burster cannot pounce.
  • Player monster Advanced shrike is now at normal difficulty instead of 60% damage.
  • Player monster sentries can now shoot in bursts by pressing alt fire.
  • Player monster seekers cannot land. They also can shoot frequently. Alt fire now pulls players and primary fire shoots projectiles.
  • Moles now ignore pain animations.
  • Facehuggers are much more aggressive. They are much more likely to land on someone's face. Be cautious in Xeno part II.
  • Dragons now have an ammunition class (improves accuracy).
  • Beam Dragon's projectile speed significantly increased (10X faster).
  • GiantGasbags will no longer give too much xp when damaging them with a freezing weapon. Their Cold Resistance is now -50% instead of -5000%.
  • GiantGasbags are back!
  • Mappers may configure custom attacks for Dragons.
  • Riding Dragons transfers factory id and tag to the new dragon when rider dismounts. Useful for the mapper so that they can properly clear the monsters when not in use.
  • Revised scoring and health values for BioBuds.
  • Mech Titan will not petrify players when hitting them with lasers.
  • Skaarj trooper's speed will reset back to mapper's specifications after being frozen.
  • Melee monsters no longer damage the driver in Hellbender's second seat.
  • Volcanic Sliths will not have an Ultima if a player was controlling it when it dies.
  • All DWScriptedMonsters now have their type properties: A sentry is now a robot and a zombie is undead.
  • Overwrote the PlayVictory() functions for OSM monsters to prevent freezing up.
  • When dieing in midflight, Warlords will play their death animation if they fall in water.
  • Magdalena is temporary removed. A Monsta will substitute Magdalenas.

New Player Monsters
  • Poison Slith
  • Electric Slith
  • Warlord
  • Rocket WailLord (and advanced version)
  • Energy WailLord (and advanced version)
  • Beam WailLord (and advanced version)
  • Facehugger
  • Praetorian
  • Imp
  • Revenant
  • Mancubus
  • Bruiser
  • Sabaoth
  • Guardian
  • Alien Queen
  • Predalien
  • Fixed rounding issue with Monster Spawner's recalculate extra lives per player property.
  • New conditional property for Monster Spawner. If number of players in the server does not satisfy the required player range for monster spawner, the monster will not spawn.
  • New class: Monster only jumppad.
  • MonsterSkins (obsolete property) has been removed from the Monster Spawner.
  • Mapper can now overwrite the type property for the monsters using the Monster Spawner.
  • New property for the Monster Spawner: Monster Life Span. The monster will automatically disappear if it lives longer than this value.
  • New Map: Iguazu
  • Nano Clean is back!
  • Nocturne is back!
  • Serephim Falling is updated.
  • Temple Run is updated.
  • Xenomorph Colony Part II is updated.
  • AMRiL_ME replaced old AMRiL mutator to remove UT2004RPG dependencies.
Last edited by DW_Ant on Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will.


1337 Haxor
Posts: 153
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The level cap is a bold move and I like it. It should allow each 200 level character to be different from each other. I assume that you can no longer purchase anything once level 200 is reached. It makes each one of us different in a way that we would now have to choose more wisely in what we want in a character.
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Why a level cap?? If a 200 level player cannot level up why would he still play?? I don't understand this logic, if you want to put a limit on character's strength, why not using better realistic caps on skills and stats. In my opinion every class should be able to get everything maxed, we simply need to make things in a way that a maxed character CANNOT be a god.

Take the Beserker for instance, I understand that a 500 level Beserker could have 800 ammo bonus and wouldn't need any support help at all, but why not putting better caps on that stats instead? I think Max ammo should be at 300 at rank 4, not 800!! What's the idea of having so much ammo anyway if there is a cap on level preventing anyone, with common sense, to go up to 800!! That just doesn't make any sense! Same for Retaliation, that skill cost so much, who would be stupid enough to go waste so much point for so little reward?! Reducing it to max level to 5 instead of 10 and reduce the cost of it would fix any OP issues there.

My idea here would be to still be able to level but with better caps on skills and stats. If all skills and stats are CORRECTLY and REASONABLY capped, then there is no need for a level cap, and this is way more logical then the level cap solution. The result would be the same has if the caps was on level, the only difference is that high level player would still have a reason to play and even if you cannot purchase anything because you are all maxed, it is still stimulating to gain level.
I got the reflex of the fly, now catch me if you can!
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