Change Logs

Anything and everything related to the Evolution server.
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Year passed since last update FeelsBadMan
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1337 Haxor
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Taries wrote: Mon May 14, 2018 10:56 am Year passed since last update FeelsBadMan

watch what you wish for

DW Clan Member
Posts: 2677
Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:00 pm
Location: North Carolina

Monster Evolution is updated!

  • Inferno weapons are back!
    • Inferno weapon's burn effects now do 1 damage per second per modifier instead of 6 damage per second per modifier.
    • Inferno weapons no longer burn enemies that are swimming.
    • Facehuggers are immune to Inferno weapon's burn effect.
    • Inferno weapons now convert 25% of the damage to fire damage.
  • Fixed bug on Summon Demon where "AltActivateItem Demon=Cherub" wouldn't allow you to summon another Cherub if one is currently alive.
  • Support's vehicle regeneration is now 2 health per second per rank instead of 1 health per second per rank.
  • Implosion is armed in 10 minutes instead of 15 minutes.
  • When a player is killed, the flawless victory flag is lost if the player killed has at least a positive score and when they've been in the game for at least 10% of the game time.
  • Fixed client log spam from PlayerTick and ClientSelectItem when spectating.
Smart Monster Pack/Sample
  • Fixed monster's resistances bug when taking damage from magic weapons that override the elemental type.
  • Reduced footstep sounds for Sawyers, boneys, skeletons, and fat zombies.
  • Fixed bug in AdvDWMonsterSpawner PlayerLevelDifficulty changes where the levels are counted twice when calculating the average and accumulated levels.
  • Added RelicEvent to PRIRelicCheck actor. If someone gains a relic, this event will be broadcasted.
Choco Wars is updated
  • Reduced driver damage for the minigun turrets from 1.0 to 0.05 (protects the driver).
  • The relic's score requirement is now 50 instead of 300.
  • The Grass titan now uses their shield instead of summoning a Forgotten.
  • Level limits for XP gained from damaging monsters are now 75-500 instead of 50-300.
  • Level limits for XP gained from objectives are now 50-225 instead of 50-150.
  • Recommended level range is now 50-160 instead of 50-300.

Convoy is updated
  • Players that get stuck in the ramp inside the center vehicle are teleported out.
  • Reduced the health factor from the end boss Archvile and sliths from 0.5 to 0.25.
  • Removed the health factor that's based on the average player level for the boss sliths.
  • Reduced Archvile damage multiplier from 1.0 to 0.75.
  • Level limits for XP gained from damaging monsters are now 135-500 instead of 80-250.
  • Level limits for XP gained from objectives are now 115-275 instead of 80-175.
  • Recommended level range is now 100-175 instead of 50-120.
Forgotten Fane is updated
  • Level limits for XP gained from damaging monsters are now 75-250 instead of 75-150.

Opportunity Knocks is updated
  • Level limits for XP gained from damaging monsters are now 100-350 instead of 50-165.
  • Level limits for XP gained from completing objectives are now 75-200 instead of 60-185.
  • Removed isolated combat area.
  • Fixed bug where the map could break when destroying the two locks at the same time.
  • Players can no longer get stuck behind the meat in the kitchen's corner.
  • Reduced burning damage in furnace room from 70 per second to 20 per second.
  • Reduced burning damage in furnace room (area near the fire) is now 15 per second instead of 30 per second.
  • Added a space in the map title "Opportunity Knocks" instead of "OpportunityKnocks"
  • Added an extra weapon locker at each spawn.
Seraphim Falling is updated
  • Instead of 1-2 predaliens spawning, the following monsters will spawn based on the average player level.
    • Levels 0-50 will spawn 1-2 Skeletons.
    • Levels 50-100 will spawn 1-2 Xenomorph Drones.
    • Levels 100 and up will spawn 1-2 Predaliens.
  • Increased score multiplier for the skeletons at the end from 0.4 to 0.9.
  • Skeletons' fire resistance at the end room is now 95% instead of defaults.
  • A monster will howl whenever the first undead monster is killed.
  • Fixed typo at second to last objective's completion message: "Escape pod standing by" instead of "Escape pod standingby"
  • Added weapon locker at the beginning.
  • Added respawnable shield pack in the optional Xeno room at the beginning.
  • The level limits for XP gained from damaging monsters are now 95-350 instead of 75-180.
  • Recommended level range is now 35-125 instead of 30-85.
Tarydium Mine is updated
  • Revised collision around the doorway next to the interior player spawn.
  • Small lucifers are now things instead of robots.
  • Small lucifers are now lucifer classic.
  • Health multiplier for the lesser lucifers are now 0.2 instead of 0.1.
  • Doubled the size for the lesser lucifers.
  • Removed unused player spawns.
  • The resurrection event after destroying the first crystal objective now respawns players by the crystals instead of near the raptors.
  • Added resurrection event for destroying the crystal objective after the raptors.
  • Covered up holes behind the door.
  • The relic is now a team relic. When one person gets it, everyone is awarded the relic.
  • Minimum score requirement for the relic is now 50 instead of 100.
  • Minimum kill requirement for the relic is now 50 instead of 60.
  • The turrets on the side now have 500 health instead of 10 million.
  • Turrets on the side no longer insta kills.
  • Disabled traps from picking up adrenaline pills.
  • The two adrenaline pills by the turrets on the side now gives 50 each instead of 600 each.
  • The adrenline pill by the tank now gives 100 adrenaline instead of 250.
  • Ceiling turret no longer insta kills.
  • Fixed navigation through doorways.
  • The weapons at the begining lockers are now in both lockers rather than being divided among two lockers.
  • Default music is now KR-Corrugation-Rise.
  • Added music transition to "Level15" when the door closes.
  • Removed minimium level limits instead of requiring players to be at least level 50 to gain XP.
  • The level limits for gaining XP from damaging monsters are now 150-600 instead of 150-350.
  • The recommended level is now 80-175 instead of 80-150.
The following map XP multipliers changed:
  • Fallen City is now 0.95 instead of 0.9.
  • Gauntlet is now 1.65 instead of 1.4.
  • Mythology is now 1.15 instead of 1.05.
  • Sub Rosa is now 1.45 instead of 1.3.
There were numerous internal changes that probably won't affect the game aside from slightly improving its performance. I'm noting things here in case this introduces unintended side effects. The following compiler warnings are addressed:
  • Unused local variable "LeviBlocker" in MutONSVehicleFix
  • Unused local variable "Index" in ASGameInfo::PostLogin
  • Unused local variable "A" in ASGameInfo::PreBeginPlay
  • Unused local variable "artifactIndex" in GUI_ArtifactOrderMenu::SelectArtifact
  • Unused local variable "ThreatValue" in RPGRules::PreventDeath
  • Unused local variable "DamTypeRPG" in RPGRules::NetDamage
  • Unused local variable "DesiredLocation" in FriendlyMonsterController::FindRoamDest
  • Unused local variable "j" in GUIWeaponDispenser::PopulateWeaponRequest
  • Unused local variable "Inv" in GUIWeaponDispenser::GetDispenser
  • Unused local variable "results" in AbilityExperiencedHealing::GetMapExpMultiplier
  • Unused local variable "OldInv" in AbilityRecall::ModifyPawn
  • Unused local variable "daysPassed" in PurgeAccountsScript::AccountIsInactive
  • Unused local variable "WeaponName" in DWScriptedMonster::TakeDamage
  • Unused local variables "actualDamage, ElementNumber, WeaponName, damageAdjustment, Killer" in ScriptedMechTitanB::TakeDamage
  • Unused local variables "PC and Shake" in ProjHunterInvulShock::HurtRadius
  • Unused local variable "masterVehicle" in FriendlySentinelController::DoSupportAction.
  • Unused local variable "TargetDrone" in FriendlySentryController::DoSupportAction.
  • Unused local variable "i" in ArtifactArcaneReclamation::Activated::BeginState
  • Unused local variables "i, j, x, and MechLauncher" from ArtifactDemolitions::Activate.
  • Unused local variables "X, Y, Z, StartLocation, and metalCount" from ArtifactMetalFission::ConsumeMetal.
  • Unused local variables "bUpdateIndex, SetLocationWorked, bTakeMana, HitLocation, HitNormal, and EndTrace" from ArtifactSentry::AltActivate and ArtifactSentinel::AltActivate.
  • Unused local variable "WeaponIndex" from ArtifactWeaponMelt::MeltWeapon.
  • Unused local variable "C" from ArtifactCurseDecay::FindVictim
  • Unused local variable "i" from ArtifactEnergyDrone::Activate
  • Unused local variable "i" from ArtifactPlague::EndState
  • Unused local variable "ThreatFactor" from ArtifactPoisonSupremacy::GiveThreat
  • Unused local variable "StatsInv" from ArtifactSummonChampion::SetMonsterAttributes.
  • Unused local variables "V and Delta" from ArtifactUnnaturalShout::DoHealing.
  • Unused local variables "A, Count, and ClientInv" from ArtifactUnnaturalShout::ActivateAbility
  • Unused local variable "i" from ArtifactWeaponCraftsman::ClientDisableWeapon.
  • Unused local variable "AmmoToadd" from RW_Inferno::WeaponTick.
  • Unused local variable "Ammo" from InvResupply::Timer.
  • Unused local variable "i" from InvSummonHeal::Timer.
  • Unused local variables "PRI and msgCaption" from GUISentinelControls::Opened.
  • Unused local variable "Inv" from GUIViewRecipes::InitComponent.
  • Unused local variable "WeaponIndex" from AbilityImbuedWeapons::ModifyPawn
  • Unused local variables "StatsInv and i" from AbilitySentry::ModifyPawn.
  • Unused local variable "DamageAbsorbed" from AbilitySoulTap::HandleDamage.
  • Unused local variable "InvSoul" from AbilitySummonRegeneration::ModifyPawn
  • Unused local variables "StatsInv and ModLevel" from AbilityTurretMastery::HandleDamage.
  • Unused local variable "j" from AbilityWeaponCraftsman::ModifyPawn.
  • Unused local variable "i" from GameRulesCriticalFPM::PreventDeath.
  • Unused local variable "PC" from InvRemotePMController::KillOwner.
  • Unused local variable "MenuTrigger" from GUI_KeyCode::InternalOnClick.
  • Unused local variable "PlayerLevelRange" from WikiGeneratorMap::GenerateAdvMonsterData.
  • Unused local variable "bMonserFound" from WikiGeneratorMap::GenerateMonsterData.
  • Target local variable obscuring Target member variable in DWI_Player
  • DWScriptedMonster::PerformDodge function is missing a return value.
  • ScriptedDinosaur's LastRoarTime obscures the DWScriptedMonster's LastRoarTime.
  • ScriptedDoomMonster's FootstepVolume obscures xPawn's FootstepVolume.
  • Summon_ScriptedWOSVolcanicAdvancedHugeSlith's SpawnTime obscures Pawn's SpawnTime.
  • SummonedSentry's ClientIdleAnim obscures ScriptedMonster's ClientIdleAnim
  • SummonWraith's TeleportLocation obscures ScriptedWraith's TeleportLocation.
  • ArtifactWeaponFabricator's RPGMut obscures ArtifactDruidMakeMagicWeapon's RPGMut.
  • ArtifactSentinel's DroneClass (local variable) obscures ArtifactSentinel's DroneClass (member variable).
  • Curse_AmpDamage's Caster obscures InvCurse's Caster.
  • FireModeLinkTurret's ProjectileClass obscures WeaponFire's ProjectileClass.
  • ProjectileIceDeemer's "SmokeTrail and ExplosionEffectClass" obscures RedeemerProjectile's "SmokeTrail and ExplosionEffectClass".
  • Simplified ASGameInfo::Login function
  • AirDrones' SetAdvanced function is missing a return value. Removed return value since the calling function never uses it.
  • GUISentryControls "InernalOnDrawA, InternalOnDrawB, and InternalOnDrawC" functions are missing return values.
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will.


DW Clan Member
Posts: 2677
Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:00 pm
Location: North Carolina

A hot fix is applied today.

  • Inferno weapons are no longer copiable.
  • The Burn effect from Inferno weapons is now stackable if there are multiple users holding Inferno weapons, the burn effect is intensified. XP gained from intensified burning is shared.
  • InvFire will not overwrite the attacker if there is one already assigned. This will give each user with Inferno weapons credit for damaging the monster.
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will.


DW Clan Member
Posts: 2677
Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:00 pm
Location: North Carolina

Monster Evolution is updated!

Monster Assault RPG
  • New Rank II Paladin ability: Cleanse!
    • Buffs all nearby allies and self to reduce curse duration and give minor health regeneration at the cost of 50 mana.
  • New Rank II Misc ability: Capacity Boost!
    • Increases reload capacity by 25% per level.
    • Supports and Berserkers can purchase the first two levels.
    • Berserkers can purchase all four levels.
  • You can now respec your builds once a month per character. In the RPG Menu, click on the rebuild option to reset your build while preserving your level, experience, title, relics, stats, class, rank, and weapon masteries. Reset back to level 1 is still available.
  • The following has changed regarding Support summons:
    • The following summon abilities are merged into one ability:
      • Feral Air (offense branch): Gasbag, Razor Fly, and Dragon
      • Feral Land (defense branch): Shrike, Raptor, and Titan
      • War Skaarj (offense branch): Skaarj Trooper, Brute, and Warlord
      • Skaarj (defense branch): Slith, Skaarj Warrior, and Queen
    • Due to how attributes are redistributed across all 15 levels (instead of 5 levels), the adrenaline costs changed for lower tiered summons. The general mana cost as follows:
      • Mana cost for rank II summons (Gasbag, shrike, skaarj trooper, and slith) are now 50, 75, 100, 125, 150 instead of 150, 188, 225, 263, 300.
      • Mana cost for rank III summons (Raptor, brute, Skaarj, and Giant razor flies) are now 100, 140, 180, 220, 260 instead of 165, 218, 270, 323, 375. Small razor flies are still 50 mana per fly.
      • Mana cost for rank IV summons (queen, warlord, dragon, and titans) are now 150, 225, 300, 375, 450 instead of 180, 248, 315, 383, 450.
    • The Feral air branch no longer has doubled movement speed at max level. Instead they have doubled damage instead of 25% damage at max level.
    • The defensive skaarj branch now have 35% resistances instead of 50% resistances at max level. They also have 250% HP at max level instead of doubled HP.
    • Purchasing defensive branches (Feral Land and Skaarj) will grant offensive branch summons (Feral Air and War Skaarj) shield regeneration (0.2 shield per second per level).
    • Purchasing offensive branches (Feral Air and War Skaarj) will grant defensive branch summons (Feral Land and Skaarj) retaliation (1% damage per level is returned to attacker).
    • Added summon selection options to: 1. Browse through all, 2. (default) Browse through strongest pet of each tier, 3. Browse through strongest pets only.
    • Added summon level requirements whenever the ability is about to upgrade the monster type. The level requirement increases by 10 per level for tiered 2 and 3 monsters. And 5 per level for tiered 4 monsters.
    • Supports can now summon Coilbags and Giant Coilbags.
    • Summoned Skaarj Troopers shielded attack interval is now 0.7 seconds instead of 1.7 seconds.
    • Summoned Skaarj Sniper shielded attack interval is now 1 second instead of 1.7 seconds.
    • Summoned Skaarj Troopers and snipers will retaliate whenever they take damage from their current enemy.
    • Summoned Skaarj Snipers now have a 50% chance to shield themselves instead of 20% of the time.
    • Summoned Brutes no longer play pained animations
    • Summoners now gain XP credit from Slith Ultima.
    • A message is broadcasted to the summoner whenever the Slith Ultima is armed.
    • Slith's ultima is charged after it's been alive for 3 minutes instead of 1 minute.
    • Base summoned Manta health is now 100 instead of 166.
    • Base summoned Pupae health is now 175 instead of 194.
    • Summoned Manta ability now gives 20% health per level instead of 10% health per level.
    • Summoned Manta ability no longer halves the manta health.
    • This means at max level the Manta max health is 200 instead of 166. And the pupae max health is 350 instead of 388.
    • Removed old Support summon abilities except for Summon Manta and Summon Pupae. Any Supports that purchased these abilities are reimbursed.
    • Renamed item name for Summon Skaarj to Summon Skaarj Warrior to avoid name conflicts with class and item names (for key binding purposes). ArtifactSummonSkaarj has been renamed to ArtifactSummonSkaarjWarrior.
    • Revised DPS for all Support summons. The following list displays the monster's general dps when attacking a single target at max level.
      • Gasbag: 84
      • Coilbag: 90
      • Giant Gasbag: 113 (doesn't include small gasbags)
      • Giant Coilbag: 80-125 (doesn't include small coilbags)
      • Razor Fly: 28
      • Giant Razor Fly: 100
      • Fire Dragon: 150
      • Electric Dragon: 140-230
      • Ion Dragon: 216
      • Shrike: 150
      • Advanced Shrike: 175
      • Raptor: 200
      • Titan: 18-150
      • Grass Titan: 30-100
      • Skaarj Trooper: 92
      • Skaarj Sniper: 80
      • Lesser Brute: 105
      • Brute: 180
      • Behemoth: 225
      • Warlord: 200
      • Advanced Rocket Waillord: 250, 350 (redeemers)
      • Slith: 50
      • Volcanic Slith: 66
      • Advanced Huge Volcanic Slith: 89
      • Skaarj: 56
      • Skaarj Scout: 67
      • Skaarj Assassin: 80
      • Skaarj Berserker: 92
      • Skaarj Lord: 110
      • Mini Queen: 100
      • Queen: 100
  • Berserker's damage scale is no longer influenced based on their health percent.
  • Berserker's max health (not super health) is now 150, 200, 250, 300 instead of 100, 200, 300, 400.
  • Fury toggle cooldown is now 1 second instead of 0.2 seconds.
  • There is now a notification on the hud whenever the player gained threat. Gold text implies global threat where it's increased for all living monsters. Gray text implies threat is gained for certain monsters.
  • Paladins no longer gain threat for taking damage.
  • TransRepair no longer gives threat for repairing your own translocator.
  • Fixed precision issues with Vigor threat award. Now when damaging monsters that provide less than 1 adrenaline award (such as using the minigun), the remainder of the threat carries over to next damage.
  • Vigor now gives threat based on the adrenaline provided rather than the damage the Support dealt.
  • Enhanced Armor no longer gives threat.
  • Rolling healing weapons no longer give threat.
  • Reduced threat for casting Life Cord by (0.01 per level).
  • Reduced threat gain for taking Life Cord damage. It's now based on 5% of the damage absorbed rather than 4% of original damage.
  • Life Reserve now gives 33% threat to the survivor if they outlive the berserker.
  • Aegis now gives threat to all monsters instead of the monster that just struck the clients.
  • Aegis now gives threat based on 0.12% of the damage absorbed rather than 7.5% of the original damage. This roughly equates to absorbing 500 damage will give max threat.
  • Halved the radius of Aegis. It's now 2048uu instead of 4096uu. To put that into perspective, the Paladin can reach both ends of the dark room in Cubes4All if they stand at the middle.
  • When setting the health thresholds for Life Cord, it'll now update the current client even if they casted the ability before setting the health threshold.
  • Added help text for AltActivateItem on LifeCord.
  • Implosion now allows Syringe usage even when it's active. However the cap for the Implosion is still 30 seconds. This adds up to a total damage per monster (ignoring distance and lightning resistances): 690, 1380, 2070, 2760, 3450, 4140, 4830, 5520 (based on Implosion level).
  • Monsters can no longer pick up advanced medkits.
  • Recall now works even if the player is killed inside a vehicle.
  • The level up help messages (Press U to activate artifact, brackets to switch, press L for stats menu) is removed if the player reaches a high enough level. This variable is configurable in MonsterAssaultRPG.ini (defaults to level 100).
  • Fixed bug where resetting your character back to level 1 did not restore your weapon speed.
ME RPG Expansion
  • New Rank II Necromancer ability: Bile Essence!
    • Craft a special weapon which may lure summons to attack your target.
    • The victim covered in bile will also take 5% damage per modifier from all summons.
  • Revised AltActivateItem for curses.
    • Increased cooldown when cursing multiple targets.
      • Uses normal cooldown for cursing 0-1 targets (3 seconds).
      • +50% cooldown for each target after 1. When cursing 5 targets, the cooldown is 9 seconds.
      • Decay's cooldown increases by 200% for each target after 1. When decaying five targets, the cooldown is 900% of 3 seconds (27 seconds).
    • AltActivateItem for curses no longer distributes duration among all of its victims.
    • AltActivateItem for curses now affect up to 5 targets. Only curse those without curses.
    • Bosses are immune to AoE curses except for Decay.
    • AltActivateItem can no longer curse hostile pawns that are not monsters (like turrets).
  • Curses no longer doubles the mana cost when targeting player monsters.
  • Necromancers can no longer cast Decay on monsters with at least 75% poison resistance.
  • Fatigue mana cost is now 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 instead of 2, 3, 5, 6, 7.
  • Iron Maiden mana cost is now 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 instead of 5, 7, 10, 12, 15.
  • Added distinct appearances for each metal drop.
  • Necromancer's max resistances at rank III is now 50% instead of 55%.
  • Metallurgy now mentions how many uses remain every time it's used.
  • Fixed bug where armor shards and scrap metal did not rotate in multiplayer games.
  • If an Earth dragon failed to spawn from Mud weapons, it'll attempt to spawn the Earth dragon again a second after the monster's death.
  • If it failed to spawn at that location after waiting a second, the weapon will assume that the spot is too cramped to spawn a dragon there. If that happens, it'll attempt to spawn an Earth dragon on the next kill.
  • Using Demolitions no longer gives threat.
  • Increase Tainted Summons threat by 50%. Infusing a soul with a scoring value of at least 20 now provides max threat instead of requiring 30.
  • Resurgence now provides 100% threat instead of 66.67% threat.
  • Poison Supremacy now gives 10% threat at max level instead of 11.67% based on the enemy's poison resistance.
  • Threat is now given to the original Mechanic regardless if the drone is following someone else.
  • The HUD display message now credits the Mechanic that built the drone rather than whoever the drone is following.
  • Added cooldown information to Vehicle Bomb ability description.
  • Once the Vehicle Bomb's cooldown expired, the owner is notified that a new bomb is ready for deployment.
  • Added a special message when trying to deploy a bomb on a dragon.
  • Mechanics can no longer deploy turrets on conveyor belts.
  • Fixed typo in Arcane Reclamation error message when your mana is at capacity.
  • Resurgence messages now state "resurrected" instead of "fully resurrected"
  • Revised Plague's ability description where it no longer hints that it does poison damage every second.
  • Updated Resurgence ability description to mention this ability can be used once per life.
DW Monster Assault
  • Players can now cancel adrenaline combos by tapping (back back forward forward).
  • Fixed bug where U2Weapons become stuck when reloading during cutscenes.
  • DWMinigunTurrets are no longer hidden from editor dropdown menus.
Smart Monster Pack/Sample
  • Advanced Rocket Air Drones' guided rockets now works for player monsters.
  • Skeleton Magii becomes available as a FPM requires 250 points instead of 500.
  • Revived OSM Gasbags, Archviles, and Maledict no longer can summon monsters.
DW Assault Mapper Tools
  • Improved the old monster spawners' performance when obtaining the monster threat mutator.
  • Fixed how the AdvDWMonsterSpawner initializes the monster's threat table.
  • Bless_Protection is no longer considered a curse. This may permit monsters to cast this buff to their allies.
DW U2 Weapons
  • Flame thrower's reload capacity is now 80 instead of 40.
Acatana is updated
  • Replaced Minigun Turrets with DW Minigun Turrets.
  • Removed Isolated Combat.
  • Added player monster drones.
  • Replaced both unused U Damage charger spawns with small shield pack spawns.
  • Replaced remote turret terminals with static meshes.
  • Renamed map title from "Invasion of Acatana" to "Acatana" for alphabetical sorting purposes.
  • Added hostile air drones inside the base.
Castle is updated
  • Added decoration behind the ammo crate next to the sentry spawn on the first floor to prevent players from getting stuck in the corner.
  • The boss dragon is now unique. The other beam dragons are now using their default skin.
  • Removed steps to the water tunnels to prevent the bug in the physics engine where you could take fall damage when crouching and stepping down from shallow water.
  • Replaced customized player monster roster with server defaults. The following monsters are enabled: Dragons, Satore, Skaarj, WOS, and Air Drones.
  • Moved decorations near the bridge controls.
  • Removed invisible mapper secret which granted a free resurrection.
  • Raised terrain near left side of the back wall to make the step to the weapon locker easier.
  • Fixed pathing through doors.
  • Replaced the spaces in map description with new line characters.
  • Enabled Berserk combo for normal mode.
  • Removed minimum level requirements where only level 100 and up would get xp in normal mode.
  • Removed minimum level requirements where players below level 150 would have reduced xp in hard mode.
Death Box is updated
  • Added more volcanic sliths.
  • Added resurrection events between wave transitions.
  • Air Drone bombers are now advanced (launches cluster bombs upon detonation).
  • There are now 3 face huggers per player instead of 2 per player.
  • The base number of face huggers is now 3 instead of 1.
  • TRex is now more aggressive to melee monsters.
  • Decreased the waillord spawn rate from 1 spawn per 3-4 seconds to 1 spawn per 1-1.5 seconds.
  • Increased waillord damage multiplier from 20% to 25%.
  • Removed the server default's spawn protection. The map-specific 5 second protection still remain.
  • If one player dies, it'll start a countdown to automatically trigger a resurrection after 30 seconds. This timeout function will deduct one life. This may be cancelled if a resurrection event happened first.
Rancid Mountain is updated
  • Replaced super health pickups by the rafts with triggers that will instantly heal everyone whenever the raft arrives.
  • Increased minimum level limit for objectives during the virus upload phase from 110-600 to 200-750
  • Increased starting level limit for monsters from 130-900 to 190-900. Note: the level limit for monsters during the virus upload phase still remains at 1-50.
  • Replaced Minigun Turrets with DW Minigun Turrets.
  • Translocator is no longer removed when the average player level is at least 175.
  • Removing the translocator is now optional by sending 67% of the team to the progress volume by the sliths across from shock rifle spawn.
  • Removing the translocator increases the end game experience by 2000.
Xenomorph Part 2 is updated
  • Fixed escape sequence where spamming the button to call for an extraction could break the sequence.
  • The queen now drops a super health pack instead of a regular rocket ammo.
  • The queen now drops a redeemer instead of minigun ammo.

General log warning fixes
  • Fixed log spam from monster attacks that use weapon types (such as Grass titan mines)
  • Fixed log warning when accessing None Instigator in ASGameInfo.ReduceDamage.
  • Fixed log warnings when accessing InvMetal in ArtifactSentinel's SetAdrenThreshold, SetAmmoThreshold, SetArmorThreshold, SetHealthThreshold, SetIgnoreEnemies, SetVehicleRepair, and SetEnableMovement
  • Fixed log warning when accessing None in Target from Action_Inventory.IsRelevant.
  • Optimized and fixed warning generated when checking AbilityPromoteRanking.Cost function.
  • Removed unreferenced variable DInv from DeployableAutoTurret and DeployedRocketTurret.
  • Fixed compiler warning where 'Weapon' obscures 'Weapon' defined in base class Pawn for DeployableAutoTurret and DeployedRocketTurret.
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will.


DW Clan Member
Posts: 2677
Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:00 pm
Location: North Carolina

A hot fix is applied today.

Monster Assault RPG
  • Fixed bug where rebuilding your account would temporarily give you a +10 stat boost.
ME RPG Expansion
  • Fixed bug where the Bile Essence effects does not appear in multiplayer games.
Smart Monster Pack
  • Summoned grass titan's base HP is now 1142 instead of 2400. Their resulting HP when summoned at max level 4000.
  • Summoned titan's base HP is now 714 instead of 1700. Their resulting HP when summoned at max level is 2500.
  • Summoned Queen's base HP is now 1142 instead of 2625. Their resulting HP when summoned at max level is 4000.
  • Fixed bug that prevented the summoned grass titan from doing damage.
Rancid Mountain is updated
  • Fixed text that suggested the incorrect end game experience bonus when disabling the translocator.
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will.


DW Clan Member
Posts: 2677
Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:00 pm
Location: North Carolina

A hot fix is applied today.

Monster Assault RPG
  • The Support artifact refers to the monster's default max health instead of current health to fix precision error.
  • Removed "Advanced" in summoned Advanced Rocket Waillord.
Smart Monster Pack
  • Restored summoned Advanced Rocket Waillord's health to 1k instead of 2k at max level.
ME RPG Expansion
  • Fixed Instigator accessing error for Ghosts of Anguish.
Rancid Mountain is updated
  • Removed text specifying exact xp bonus for removing translocator.
  • Base bonus xp for removing translocator is now 1140 instead of 2400. Note: the server configured XP multiplier still applies.
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will.


DW Clan Member
Posts: 2677
Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:00 pm
Location: North Carolina

A hot fix is applied today.

Monster Assault RPG
  • Fixed bug where the RPG data would incorrectly compute the number of stat points available after a rebuild.
  • Fixed bug that prevented Supports from summoning small razor flies if the large fly is alive.
Smart Monster Pack
  • Summon titan HP is now 4000 instead of 2500 at max level.
  • Summon mini queen HP is now 3000 instead of 2100 at max level.
  • Summon grass titan and queen HP are now 6000 instead of 4000 at max level.
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will.


DW Clan Member
Posts: 2677
Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:00 pm
Location: North Carolina

A hot fix is applied today.

DW Monster Assault
  • Fixed desync bug with SelectAbility in multiplayer games. The SelectAbility command is now only executed client-side.
Monster Assault RPG
  • Summoned adrenaline pickups only give threat when they're completely consumed.
Smart Monster Pack
  • Doubled summon fly aerial speed.
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will.


DW Clan Member
Posts: 2677
Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:00 pm
Location: North Carolina

A small update is applied today.

Monster Assault RPG
  • Retaliation now costs 15 per level (total 150) instead of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 stat points (total 325 stats).
Heated Escort is updated
  • Minimum number of players required for the heated escort relic is now 3 instead of 6.
Nano Clean is updated
  • Level limit experience multipliers for completing objectives are now 125-500 instead of 80-200.
  • Level limit experience multipliers for harming monsters are now 175-750 instead of 100-250.
  • Objective location names are now more descriptive.
  • Add Bio Rifle to starting weapon locker.
Xenomorph Colony Part 1 is updated
  • Level limit experience multipliers for completing objectives are now 300-750 instead of 200-750.
  • The number of players required to initiate the lockdown's two team split sequence is now 4 players instead of 7 players.
  • Removed minimum level requirements. It use to be 0-100.
Xenomorph Colony Part 2 is updated
  • Level limit experience multipliers for completing objectives are now 300-750 instead of 160-350.
    Removed the minimum level requirements. It use to be 0-100.
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will.


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