For you cunning linguists ;)

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Xfire: KarmaKat

A while back, I noticed there were rune like writings that I kept coming across in the game. And yes, I'm the "stop & smell the roses" sort of RPGer...I love the scenery, sounds and all the little details you miss when you're just burning through content and smooshing stuff to bits. So yeah...I notice stuff like this and it got me to wondering about those runes. Between the GW2 wiki and googling I discovered it's "New Krytan"...apparently the most widely used language in Tyria these days. The wiki had a tiny little image, so I decided to give my eyes a break and make one that didn't require me to put on reading glasses to use. Now, with the recent appearance of so many new signs and posters, this will come in handy for translation. ;)
New Krytan Alphabet.png
New Krytan Alphabet.png (551.24 KiB) Viewed 42395 times
Karma...a term that comprises the entire cycle of cause & effect...
Kat...a supercilious quadrupedal pile of fur that doesn´t give a flying fig for Karma...
DW Clan Member
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Joined: Wed May 28, 2008 11:00 pm

I’m a little dubious of any civilization’s level of sophistication if it takes that much effort to write “w”.

1337 Haxor
Posts: 156
Joined: Sun Apr 04, 2010 3:46 pm

And where you rather write 10000-1 instead of 9999
DW Clan Member
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Those glyphs are so complicated... I almost want to say that no one would ever write that out. Then I remember Asia.
Site Admin
Posts: 2004
Joined: Thu Mar 23, 2006 12:00 am
Xfire: KarmaKat

DW_WailofSuicide wrote:Those glyphs are so complicated... I almost want to say that no one would ever write that out. Then I remember Asia.

Yeah, compared to creating Chineses zhōngwén or Japanese kanji or hiragana these are a piece of cake! ;)

Azmo & Jimmy... ;PpPpP Heh... :sgiggle:

Karma...a term that comprises the entire cycle of cause & effect...
Kat...a supercilious quadrupedal pile of fur that doesn´t give a flying fig for Karma...
DW Clan Member
Posts: 2677
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Location: North Carolina

Yeah but each character represents an entire object/word. Compared to these characters where each character only represent a part of a word.
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will.


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