Disastrous Consequences ut2004 Invasion server is offline

Talk about anything UT2004 related
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Posts: 58
Joined: Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:10 am

Hello, does anyone know what is with DC server? Their website and server are both offline. I was not there lately so I am not sure if they are having some problems or just decided to shut the server and website down forever. The number of regural players decreased greately last year.. and there were not any newcomers on that server, so it seems that life of that server just ended... I had great fun while playing there so this is kinda sad news for me... but I would like to have some confirmation.
I made an AM character just to be able to use electromagnet in safe spots with 500 adrenaline and rejuvation weapon +5
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Xfire: bomzin
Location: Layton,Utah

Hmmm. Checked game tracker. They had players on Sunday, all showing offline now. Keep your eyes out on the servers, maybe you will run into someone with info.
agent smith
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Xfire: kingofwar998

i think it say least friday going off ine and go to wepate find out my hmmmm
it hard to forget want i have done to a friend let the down it hard and pian full i have to live with it .
Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Nov 08, 2013 11:31 am
Xfire: jefejefejefe

Hi, all. I'm one of the admins of the new Disastrous Conseqences server. The original DisastrousConsequences.com shut down last month. DC was founded by Druid and Shantara, who maintained the website and server for 10 years, spending $15,000 dollars on the server (offset by many user donations) during that time. Unfortunately, they no longer played UT themselves, and felt that it was finally time to call it a day. One of the DC admins, Demonslayer and I run the new Disastrous Consequences server. It is a merge of my previous server, The Demon-Eating Kitten (D-E-K) and DC, including data for all players from both servers.

Our goal is to combine the best aspects of both servers, and to continue to provide a fun, innovative and family-friendly server for many years to come. While the original server was legendary, it had not been updated for a long time. We plan to continue the DC reputation for innovation by creating new monsters, maps and additions to the DruidsRPG system.

Here is the new DC website:


and the server itself:

http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ ... .172:7777/
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