Implemented InvAlwaysRelevant actor that makes its owner replicate to all clients regardless of their location.
Implemented scripted action: ACTION_FlashlightSetReset - Allows the level designers to update the flashlight's property regarding if it should return to spawn location or drop where the carrier died.
Fixed bug where the FlashlightActor's location would not replicate to clients if it's dropped a second time.
Xenomorph Colonist Part 1 is updated
Updated appearance in the hugger cargo room to accurately reflect Part 2.
Fixed bug where monsters are invisible in the underground passage area.
Disabled player teleportation when the spawns update.
Fixed bug where players could be trapped outside the living commons area when the door closes on them.
Removed player spawns outside the living commons door. Also removed the lost player teleporter there, too.
All monsters are now invulnerable except for Facehuggers when they find a host.
Removed resurrection at egg carriers objective.
All players respawn inside the underground passage exit room if the door in the underground passage closes while they're outside of it.
If the flashlight carrier died after entering the underground passage, the flashlight will now drop where they died instead of returning back to the spawn.
Increased drone speed in underground passage by 5%.
Increased drones' alertness in underground passage by 25%.
Increased the number of drones in underground passage.
Fixed bug where fall damage could still apply while entering water from the stairs.
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will. FFE466
Fixed floating point rounding error when displaying the bonus experience multiplier on the hud.
Implemented DWPickupObjectiveSpawn. Same as ASOBJ_EnergyCore_Spawn except that is allows the level designers to customize the pickup class, hide the spawn base, determine the reset time, and how it could attach to the carrier.
New Package: XenoColonist - A package that contains various actors that are specific to the Xenomorph Colonist maps.
Xenomorph Colonist Part I is updated
Fixed bug where the 3rd/2nd person camera would activate again when picking up the flashlight even if the players are outside the tunnels.
Moved Xenomorph Stalker from mylevel to XenoColonist package.
The Xenomorph Stalker can no longer capture players if they escaped the underground passage.
The Stalker's strike time is now 2 seconds instead of 1.5 seconds.
Fixed player respawn during the flashlight introduction cutscene.
Players can no longer get crushed by the Leviathan at the beginning.
Added a button that allows players to spawn Runners in the underground tunnels for additional experience.
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will. FFE466
Optimized Action_Inventory to avoid dynamically loading inventory classes.
DW Monster Assault
Fixed bug where certain inventory items such as the Oak Sage may prevent players from recalling weapons for the next map.
Fixed bug where the player states and map variables could be remembered across maps when it shouldn't have when playing a map without the VariableStorage actor. For example, if the first level is played, but the server transitions to an irrelevant map. After that map, the server jumps to the second level. The second level would have remembered player data from level 1 when it shouldn't have.
DW Wormhole
Added scripted action Action_WormholeMessage, allows level designers to send a message to the discord channel.
Updated to be compatible with Wormhole version 1.3.0
Monster Assault RPG
New Rank III Berserk ability: War Cry! Grants nearby allies temporary berserk.
For those that customized their skill menus, you can add War Cry to your list with this line:
New inventory item for level designers. InvNeutralizeDamage - When given to someone, they cannot do damage.
When a friendly monster without a target takes damage from a hostile, they are aggroed towards the attacker.
Mocking weapon makers can no longer randomly break. It can now be used 1 time per ability level.
Curses can now classify where they come from (eg: map, monster, Necromancer, etc...). This classification can be used for prioritization when determining when a target can be cursed.
This change requires updates to the DWAssaultMapperTools, ME_RPGExpansion, and SmartMonsterPackSample.
Fixed visual bug where entering and exiting vehicles may restore destroyed abilities on the client's inventory.
When resetting builds back to level 1, the character will now suicide to prevent stacking abilities between resets.
The DamTypeRPGParent properties are now placed in a category to make it easier for level designers to locate and modify the element type for their custom damage types.
ME RPG Expansion
Fixed bug where salvaging crafted turrets may cause the Mechanic to suicide.
Vehicles and turrets are now immune to knockback and freeze effects.
Fixed client-side crash when replacing Mud or Magma weapons.
When using Mud weapons, the summoned Earth Dragons' sight and hearing radius is now increased to 25000.
When recalling weapons, Imbued Traps will now enchant mine layers and grenade launchers if they don't have any magic modifiers.
Imbued Weapons now only generate magic modifiers for weapons that exist in a weapon spawn or weapon locker somewhere in the current map.
Imbued Weapons no longer generate vanilla weapons. It will now always select an available magic modifier.
Necromancers can now replace curses caused from Sacrilegious weapons and Charged Field.
Monsters that protect themselves are no longer immune to Necromancer curses.
Sacrilegious weapons now drain 3 health per second (regardless of the modifier) instead of 2.5-5 health per second (based on modifier).
For Weapon Craftsman, revised the 'Set Filters to Available' button tooltip to specify that used weapons will not be included.
The threat reward for the Sentinel ability now varies based on its ability level, but its max level is the same as it currently is at 8.33% per pickup.
Warlords will now reset their animation state whenever their physics restart, too.
Should the warlords get stuck when going for a swim, the Support's regroup ability will restore their animation state.
Increased summon shrike and advanced shrike's base health by 25%.
Increased summon shrike and advanced shrike's base speed by 25%.
Increased summon fire, electric, and ion dragons' base damage scaling by 10%.
Summoned titans now throw lava rocks.
The dps is roughly 40 (50% physical, 50% fire damage)
The splash radius is 440
Summoned grass titans now only throw rocks that spew out mines.
The summoned grass titans can now only throw one rock at a time.
Increased summoned grass titan damage scaling where their DPS is now roughly around 60-80.
When xenomorphs lose their legs, their jump height and pounce velocity is reduced by 50%.
Fixed bug where friendly monsters may attack players with summons.
Doom seekers will now check the monster spawner to see if they're allowed to protect other monsters.
Special thanks to Infy for providing these updates!
Upgrading from version 1.0.7 to version 1.3.0 beta.
Introduces a new plugin system to allow for a more customizable experience.
Automatic Emoji Translation: Use emoji aliases in-game and see them as actual emojis in the corresponding Discord channel.
Stability fixes
New Map: PvP Calandras
Calandras.jpg (231.86 KiB) Viewed 8155 times
The courtyards of Calandras were once beautiful and welcoming. While the Temple has been preserved, a new less-inviting use has been found for the exteriors.
Divine Fortress is updated
Cutscenes are now skippable.
Removed skip cutscene progress volume at the beginning.
The mana and experience gained for watching the intro cutscene is now awarded at the end instead of the beginning.
There is now a gate across the bridge that can only be opened from the lower lever in the beginning escort area.
The lower lever now unlocks the upper lever in the beginning escort area.
Monsters can no longer interact with the levers to open the gates at the beginning escort area.
Fixed softlock bug where the cyberdemon or maledicts may fail to spawn if their spawns are obstructed.
The cyberdemon's proximity damage now does elemental damage instead of lightning damage.
Replaced Guardians with Hell Time Hunters.
Vehicles can now push around friendly monsters easily.
Fixed bug where queens may teleport out of bounds.
Fixed bug where the skaarj during the wave 2's introduction scene does not expire after the cutscene.
The kill monster threshold for wave 12 (the one right before the cyberdemon) to progress to the next wave is now 35 instead of 40. This change does not influence the number of monsters for wave 12.
Added wormhole notifications whenever the map advances to the next wave.
Fixed smeared textures around ion cannon.
Glacier is updated
The cutscene is now skippable.
The blast door can no longer be destroyed before the cutscene.
Upon spawning, the cyberdemon will now kill all vehicles and summons that stand too close to their spawn.
Fixed bug where the cyberdemon and lesser bosses may fail to spawn from obstruction.
Fixed bug where monsters could open the door near the security gate controls without the ion tank being present.
Added an adrenaline pickup somewhere
Grand Canyon Night is updated
Cutscenes are now skippable.
There are now panels protecting the Phantom power source.
Increased collision radius for triggers that'll spawn maledicts and ethereal forgottens by the Phantom power source.
Outback is updated
Reduced the min player requirement to collect spino eggs from 6 to 4.
Resident Unreal is updated
Special thanks to Wail for helping with this update.
Doom seekers no longer protect the guardian and Vagaries. The boss will still become invulnerable until enough doom seekers are slain though.
The cutscene is now skippable.
Revised end game camera.
The recommended number of players is now 3-6 instead of 6-10
Increased level limit range for xp gained from monsters from 150-250 to 200-300
Increased level limit range for xp gained from objectives from 150-250 to 200-300
Increased the recommended level range from 100-225 to 100-250
Reduced the minimum level requirement from 40-75 to 25-50
Removed player monster spawn room.
Reversed the direction of the police station teleporter.
Removed xenomorph and dinosaur player monsters.
Revised the collision around the vehicles.
The targets in the police station can now only be triggered from sniper and the magnum.
Revenant in the window speed multiplier is reduced to zero to allow them to shoot more often.
Reduced the health multiplier of the spiders in the vents.
It's no longer possible to crouch under the helipad.
Disabled collision on bush next to resurrection phone booth to prevent players from stubbing their toes.
Fixed floating light inside the police station.
Added missing light mesh in police station near the jail entrance.
Fixed objectives where they can now be completed.
Jail cells can now see the outdoors.
Added lighting to buildings in skybox.
Fixed cloud seam in the skybox.
When collecting the keys, it now reads "Chief's office" instead of "Chiefs office".
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will. FFE466
Fixed bug where god mode wouldn't be removed when skipping the introduction scene.
Hid the mover related to moving the blocking volume over the bridge's gate.
Grand Canyon Night is updated
Phantom source hatch objectives are now replicating online.
Mechanics rejoice! There are more turrets to salvage on the rooftop of the building holding the shield generator.
It's no longer possible to shoot over the wall between the zombie dinosaur area and the Necromancer encounter.
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will. FFE466
Fixed server infinite recursion crash when saving player states between level transitions.
Monster Assault RPG
War Cry now costs 75 mana to cost instead of 50.
War Cry's threat reward is only given when the player damages monsters with their weapons. It no longer applies from skills such as retaliation and turrets.
Reduced threat reward for War Cry from damage by 10%.
Due to concentrated fire and large health pools, bosses now ignore 75% of War Cry's threat reward.
Zero score monsters now ignore threat.
All berserkers that gave a player War Cry will now all receive threat from damage instead of only the last berserker receiving threat.
Summoned monsters no longer give experience and weapon experience to players that linked the summoner using the Link Gun.
The difference between successful people from others is
not in the lack of strength,
not in the lack of knowledge,
but rather in the lack of will. FFE466